From what I see, that enclosure hold hard drives - period
It has a SATA multiplier and some very interesting caveats
Support PC, MAC and Linux. (Please note that the host adapter card is based on Silicon Image chipset, which currently only support up to MAC OS 10.5.1 by Silicon Image.)
Warning: RSV-S8 Must work With Silicon Image Multilane compatible host (like RC-213/ RC-214/RC-219, which included in box). If you connect RSV-S8 to a host without Port Multiplier function, the system might only catch one HDD instead of all.
I would give this this a pass
Instead - grab an old box,
Load as much RAM on it as you can
Add a second hard drive
Download FreeNAS
Burn it to a CD
Install it on the old box
You have a file server with a second disk to use for automated backups
(the utilities are built into FreeNAS)
A much less expensive solution, that I know works, because that's what I do on my home system.
Merry Christmas