I just use the following DOS (Command Prompt) command. I use Windows XP Pro, so it may not work with every OS:
FOR /L %p in (2.1.254) do ping -n 1 192.168.2.%p >> pingstat.txt | findstr /i ""
If you wanted to do this routinely, create a .bat or .cmd file with the following:
@echo off
rem Pings every node in the 192.168.2.x network
echo Please wait. Discovering network connections...
if exist C:\pingstats.txt del C:\pingstats.txt
for /l %%p in (2,1,254) do ping -n 1 192.168.2.%%p >> C:\pingstats.txt
findstr /i "TTL" C:\pingstats.txt
Note that this will only show you the IP addresses and not device names.