How to swtup FTP client and server ?
2006-05-05 04:30:16 UTC
I want to know that when I have an FTP server installed on my system at home and I want to connect to my home computer from a remote location using an FTP client then what IP Address will I use. Since my IP Address is private, it is not public then how would I connect to my home computer ?
Four answers:
2006-05-05 05:09:04 UTC
Use NO-IP to resolve your Dymanic IP address to your modem and port forwarding to acess your computer thru you router. XP has an FTP server built in that will allow up to 10 users to sign in a one time. When you enable your FTP server on XP you should require a password if this is private information you do not wish to share, or at least not share outside of your group.

I have listed several resources that will help run a web based server via ADSL or cable modem with or without a static IP address. This also includes HTTP (WWW), and FTP thru IIs via Windows XP.
2006-05-05 11:44:03 UTC
You need a program such as LogMeIn.

Or Laplink. You have to read their product descriptions to find exactly which one works best for what you want to do.

I used LogMeIn and it has to be installed on both your computers. And to be able to use it from work say, your home computer has to be running (obviously).

Nice job Borngenious....what the hell was all that???
2006-05-05 12:12:23 UTC
Use It free and works very well use it all the time.
2006-05-05 11:38:35 UTC
You need a server runnung at ur home computer like TomCat,

jboss etc.

Thats it.

Use the following program ::



* Automated Download a file from the Internet


package test;






* Download a file from the internet use:

* java com.mindprod.filetransfer.Download c:\y.txt


* @author Roedy Green

* version 1.8 2006-01-02 initial version, part of filetransfer package.


public class Download {

// ------------------------------ FIELDS ------------------------------


* target files where we download to


static File file;


* target URL where we download to


static URL url;

// -------------------------- STATIC METHODS --------------------------


* Download one file


* @param urlString source URL of file to download

* @param filename target name of file to save on hard disk.


* @return true if download succeeded


public static boolean downloadOneFile( String urlString, String filename )




url = new URL( urlString );


catch ( MalformedURLException e )


throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Malformed URL: " + urlString );




file = new File( filename );

if ( file.exists() )


if ( !file.canWrite() )


throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot write file: "

+ filename );





// create file safely before we fool with URL




catch ( IOException e )


throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot write file: "

+ filename );


FileTransfer downloader = new FileTransfer( 64 * 1024 /* buffsize */ );

// does the actual work.

return url, file );


// --------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS ---------------------------


* private constructor not used. Only use this class via static main.


private Download()



// --------------------------- main() method ---------------------------


* Command line Download


* @param args source url, target file


public static void main( String[] args )


if ( args.length != 2 )


throw new IllegalArgumentException(

"Download needs source URL of file to download and target file name." );


boolean success = downloadOneFile( args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ] );

if ( success )



.println( "Download of "

+ args[ 0 ]

+ " to "

+ args[ 1 ]

+ " succeeded." );





.println( "Download of "

+ args[ 0 ]

+ " to "

+ args[ 1 ]

+ " failed." );

System.exit( 1 );






File Transfer classes to copy, and download files.

copyright (c) 1999-2006 Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products may be

copied and used freely for any purpose but military.

Roedy Green

Canadian Mind Products #327 - 964 Heywood Avenue Victoria, BC

Canada V8V 2Y5

tel: (250) 361-9093

version history

1.2 1999 Oct 26 - split off from FileTransfer

1.6 2002 April 22 - conforming package name.

1.9 2006-02-05 reformat with IntelliJ, add Javadoc


package test;










* copy or download a file. To read or write from the client's local hard disk,

* you will need a signed Applet and security clearance. see Signed Applet in

* the Java glossary. To read a files from the server, the file must be given

* public read access, usually the default. To write a file to the server, you

* server will have to support CGI-PUT with public access. This is unusual to

* find. Normally you upload files with FTP. See FTP in the Java glossary.


* @author Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products

* @version 1.9, 2006-03-05


public class FileTransfer extends MiniFileTransfer {

// ------------------------------ FIELDS ------------------------------

/** embedded version string. */

public static final String versionString = "1.9";

private static final String releaseDate = "2006-03-06";

// --------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS ---------------------------


* constructor


public FileTransfer()





* constructor


* @param buffSize how big the i/o chunks are to copy files.


public FileTransfer( int buffSize )


super( buffSize );


// -------------------------- OTHER METHODS --------------------------


* Copy a file from one spot on hard disk to another.


* @param source file to copy on local hard disk.

* @param target new file to be created on local hard disk.


* @return true if the copy was successful.


public boolean copy( File source, File target )


if ( source == null )


return false;


if ( target == null )


return false;




// O P E N

FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream( source );

FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( target );

// C O P Y S O U R C E T O T A R G E T

long fileLength = source.length();

// C L O S E

// handled by inner copy

return copy( is, os, fileLength, true );


catch ( IOException e )


return false;


} // end copy


* Copy a file to an outputstream


* @param source file to copy on local hard disk.

* @param target OutputStream to copy the file to.

* @param closeTarget true if the target OutputStream should be closed when we are done.

* false if the target OutputStream should be left open for further

* output when done.


* @return true if the copy was successful.


public boolean copy( File source, OutputStream target, boolean closeTarget )


if ( source == null )


return false;


if ( target == null )


return false;




// O P E N

FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream( source );

// C O P Y S O U R C E T O T A R G E T

long fileLength = source.length();

// C L O S E

// handled by inner copy

return copy( is, target, fileLength, closeTarget );


catch ( IOException e )


return false;


} // end copy


* Copy an InputStream to an OutputStream when you know the length in

* advance.


* @param source InputStream, left closed.

* @param target OutputStream, left closed.

* @param length how many bytes to copy, -1 if you don't know.

* @param closeTarget true if you want the the target stream closed when done. false if

* you want to the target stream left open for further output.


* @return true if the copy was successful.


public boolean copy( InputStream source,

OutputStream target,

long length,

boolean closeTarget )


if ( length <= 0 )


// indeterminate length

return copy( source, target, closeTarget );


if ( source == null )


return false;


if ( target == null )


return false;




// R E A D / W R I T E by chunks

// we know length > 0

int chunkSize = (int) Math.min( buffSize, length );

long chunks = length / chunkSize;

int lastChunkSize = (int) ( length % chunkSize );

// code will work even when lastChunkSize = 0 or chunks = 0;

byte[] ba = new byte[ chunkSize ];

for ( long i = 0; i < chunks; i++ )


int bytesRead = readBlocking( source, ba, 0, chunkSize );

if ( bytesRead != chunkSize )


throw new IOException();


target.write( ba );

} // end for

// R E A D / W R I T E last chunk, if any

if ( lastChunkSize > 0 )


int bytesRead = readBlocking( source,



/* offset in ba */,

lastChunkSize );

if ( bytesRead != lastChunkSize )


throw new IOException();


target.write( ba, 0 /* offset in ba */, lastChunkSize /*

* bytes

* to

* write

*/ );

} // end if

// C L O S E


if ( closeTarget )




return true;


catch ( IOException e )


return false;


} // end copy


* Copy a file from a remote URL to a local file on hard disk. To use this

* method with a file that requires userid/password to access it, see



* @param source remote URL to copy. e.g. new

* URL("")

* @param target new file to be created on local hard disk.


* @return true if the copy was successful.


public boolean download( URL source, File target )


if ( source == null )


return false;


if ( target == null )


return false;




// O P E N _ S O U R C E

URLConnection urlc = source.openConnection();

if ( urlc == null )


throw new IOException( "Unable to make a connection." );


urlc.setAllowUserInteraction( false );

urlc.setDoInput( true );

urlc.setDoOutput( false );

urlc.setUseCaches( false );


long length = urlc.getContentLength(); // -1 if not available

InputStream is = urlc.getInputStream();

// O P E N _ T A R G E T

FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( target );

// C O P Y _ S O U R C E _ T O _ T A R G E T

// C L O S E

// handled by copy

return copy( is, os, length, true /* close target */ );


catch ( IOException e )


return false;


} // end download

// --------------------------- main() method ---------------------------


* dummy main


* @param args not used source url, target file


public static void main( String[] args )




"FileTransfer is not intended to be run from the command line. See Download." );


} // end class FileTransfer


package test;









* download a file, fishing it out of either this or another jar. To read or

* write from the client's local hard disk, you will need a signed Applet and

* security clearance. see Signed Applet in the Java glossary. To read a files

* from the server, the file must be given public read access, usually the

* default. If you make more than casual use, please sent a registration fee of

* $10 either US or Canadian to: FILETRANSFER REGISTRATIONS Roedy Green Canadian

* Mind Products #327 - 964 Heywood Avenue Victoria, BC Canada V8V 2Y5

* "More that casual use" would

* include using FileTransfer in a commercial product or using it in a project

* deployed on more than 5 computers. The registration requirement is not

* onerous. You need register only one copy. Make sure you have the latest

* version from


* @author copyright (c) 1999-2006 Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products may be

* copied and used freely for any purpose but military.

* Roedy Green

* Canadian Mind Products #327 - 964 Heywood Avenue Victoria, BC

* Canada V8V 2Y5

* tel: (250) 361-9093



* version 1.0 1999 Sept 5
- implement download and copy.

* use of readBlocking to replace readFully and read.

* version 1.1 1999 october 5 - implement upload with PUT, and a status

* check.

* version 1.2 1999 October 26 - split into MiniFileTransfer,

* FileTransfer, and MaxiFileTransfer - added support for ZipFile entry

* download. version 1.3

* 1999 October 28 - add safety code when length specified is -1 or 0,

* to copy as if the length were unknown.

* version 1.4 1999 October 29 - ensure every file closed, including

* ZipFile - safety check for null parms.

* version 1.5 2001 Jan 23 - use more elegant reads in the while loops

* instead of breaks.

* Version 1.6 2002 April 22 - conforming package name.

* Version 1.7 2003 September 15 - add closeTarget parameter to many

* methods - rename download( InputStream, File ) to copy( InputStream ,

* File ) - add copy( File, Outputstream ) Version 1.8 2006-01-10 add

* Download class.


public class MiniFileTransfer {

// ------------------------------ FIELDS ------------------------------


* default size of chunks to transfer at a time.


static final int BUFFSIZE = 63 * 1024;


* true if want debugging output


static final boolean DEBUGGING = false;


* size of chunks to transfer at a time.


int buffSize;

// -------------------------- STATIC METHODS --------------------------


* Reads exactly len bytes from the input stream into the byte array. This

* method reads repeatedly from the underlying stream until all the bytes

* are read. is often documented to block like this, but in

* actuality it does not always do so, and returns early with just a few

* bytes. readBlocking blocks until all the bytes are read, the end of the

* stream is detected, or an exception is thrown. You will always get as

* many bytes as you asked for unless you get an eof or other exception.

* Unlike readFully, you find out how many bytes you did get.


* @param in stream to read

* @param b the buffer into which the data is read.

* @param off the start offset of the data in the array, not offset into the

* file!

* @param len the number of bytes to read.


* @return number of bytes actually read.


* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.


public static final int readBlocking( InputStream in,

byte b[],

int off,

int len ) throws IOException


int totalBytesRead = 0;

int bytesRead = 0;

while ( totalBytesRead < len

&& ( bytesRead = b, off + totalBytesRead, len - totalBytesRead ) )

>= 0 )


totalBytesRead += bytesRead;


return totalBytesRead;

} // end readBlocking

// --------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS ---------------------------


* constructor


public MiniFileTransfer()


this.buffSize = BUFFSIZE;



* constructor


* @param buffSize how big the i/o chunks are to copy files.


public MiniFileTransfer( int buffSize )


if ( buffSize < 512 )


buffSize = 512;


this.buffSize = buffSize;


// -------------------------- OTHER METHODS --------------------------


* copy a file from a stream, typically a resource in the archive jar file

* to a local file on hard disk.


* @param source resource as stream e.g.

* this.class.getResourceAsStream("lyrics.ram"); Netscape interferes

* with extensions *.exe, *.dll etc. So use *.ram for your resources.

* @param target new file to be created on local hard disk.


* @return true if the copy was successful.


public boolean copy( InputStream source, File target )


if ( source == null )


return false;


if ( target == null )


return false;


FileOutputStream os = null;



// O P E N T A R G E T

os = new FileOutputStream( target );

// C O P Y S O U R C E T O T A R G E T

boolean success = copy( source, os, true );

// C L O S E

// handled by copy.

return success;


catch ( IOException e )


return false;


} // end download


* Copy an InputStream to an OutputStream, until EOF. Use only when you

* don't know the length of the transfer ahead of time. Otherwise use

* FileTransfer.copy.


* @param source InputStream, always left closed

* @param target OutputStream

* @param closeTarget true if you want target stream closed when done. false, leave the

* target open for more I/O.


* @return true if the copy was successful.


public boolean copy( InputStream source,

OutputStream target,

boolean closeTarget )


if ( source == null )


return false;


if ( target == null )


return false;




// R E A D / W R I T E by chunks

int chunkSize = buffSize;

// code will work even when chunkSize = 0 or chunks = 0;

// Even for small files, we allocate a big buffer, since we

// don't know the size ahead of time.

byte[] ba = new byte[ chunkSize ];

// keep reading till hit eof

int bytesRead;

while ( ( bytesRead = readBlocking( source, ba, 0, chunkSize ) )

> 0 )


target.write( ba, 0 /* offset in ba */, bytesRead /*

* bytes to

* write

*/ );

} // end while

// C L O S E


if ( closeTarget )





catch ( IOException e )


return false;


// all was ok

return true;

} // end copy


* Copy a file from a resource in some a local jar file, not the archive, to

* a local file on hard disk. To deal with remote jars in JDK 1.1 download

* the entire jar, then copy the various contents to their resting places,

* then delete the jar. To deal with remote jars in JDK 1.2 use the new jar

* URL syntax, that lets you treat a member as if it were an separate file,

* jar:!/COM/foo/Quux.class


* @param sourceJar ZipFile e.g. new ZipFile("stuff.jar"), left open.

* @param zipEntryString fully qualified name of ZipEntry e.g.

* "com/mindprod/mypack/Stuff.html". Note this is a String, not a

* ZipEntry.

* @param target new file to be created on local hard disk.


* @return true if the copy was successful.


public boolean copy( ZipFile sourceJar, String zipEntryString, File target )


if ( sourceJar == null )


return false;


if ( zipEntryString == null )


return false;


if ( target == null )


return false;




ZipEntry zipEntry = sourceJar.getEntry( zipEntryString );

if ( zipEntry == null )


return false;


InputStream is = sourceJar.getInputStream( zipEntry );

if ( is == null )


return false;


boolean success = copy( is, target );

// C L O S E

// download closes is and target

// don't close entire zip with sourceJar.close();

return success;


catch ( IOException e )


return false;


} // end copy

// --------------------------- main() method ---------------------------


* dummy main


* @param args not used source url, target file


public static void main( String[] args )




"MiniFileTransfer is not intended to be run from the command line. See Download." );


} // end class MiniFileTransfer


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.