Anyone with even vestigial pride has the impulse to present themself as attractively to others as is possible. For this reason, I am fairly sure that everyone with some pride, knowing of an emotional imperfection that the community is perceived to deplore, will go to some lengths to hide or disguise this facet of their makeup. For many, many males, I imagine that this secret is psycho-sexual in origin. Could this also be a factor for females in some different form? I read a day or two ago that 'sex sites' (labelled 'porn', but containing only 'normal' human sexual situations) report that photographs/videos featuring 18-year-old females that look as if they were much, much younger, are visited with alarming frequency. If these statistics are accurate, I deduce that as much as 70% of males are almost 'paedophiles' insofar as their latent, secret desires are concerned. This possibly indicates that the majority of males are secretly afraid that their sexual being and performance is 'weak', unable to stand comparison, and that their best chance of achieving acceptance and admiration as an exciting sexual partner is through association with a female of very limited experience, experience of other 'more acceptable' males. [If this is so, it is sad, not disgusting, surely? I feel disgust, too, but why?] Our community is far, far harder on paedophiles than it is on axe murderers. ("Methinks thou doth protest too much." Shakespeare) Is this in any way an example of self-criticism, an attack on someone similar to the people making the noise, in order to deny to others [and to self] that the noise-maker is also 'afflicted'? It could well be, perhaps. The sometimes hysterical, very public, almost competitively exaggerated reaction to paedophiles, even by those who have no children to protect, could be a denial of the embryonic paedophile's impulse within themselves? (Hmmm. Thinks: I had better tone down my own shouts...) *As little as 75 years ago, Charles Chaplin lived openly as a paedophile. Parents virtually offered their 12-yr-old girls to him (marriage!). To share his fame and money? *Dodson, revered mathematician, pioneer of photography (mostly naked children being his subjects), and children's author, ('Lewis Carrol'), a generation before him, was much the same. *Mohammed, venerated as much as Jesus, preferred 9-year-old brides (plural). *Etc., etc. There was then no noisy public expression of disgust, and these men were affected in no way in their enormous popularity by this public knowledge. [ I experience the same revulsion as do most other people when considering this, but I wonder why I do? What actually has changed? Has 'feminism' in fact worked?] If I could be bothered [and possessed far better skills as a social researcher], I believe that this would be a valuable and fascinating topic for academic research.