My 4yr old Linksys router keeps malfunctioning. Although I can connect to my network, I cannot connect to the internet through the router. I have bypassed the router and the internet connection works without problem. I have contacted Linksys for support for this same problem in the past and they just had me reset and restart over and over again until the problem resolved, seemingly without reason. I know how to do this myself and this time it's not working. The router doesn't even seem to reset after several attempts and will not "lose" password authentication for me to get into it's set-up IP address either - and it's none of the passswords I've ever used, and yes I've tried no username/password. The start-up CD doesn't work - says it can't connect to the router, probably something to do with needing a password/reset not working. Should I just give up and get a new router at this point or could there be something else going on?