You ask a loaded question. Now lets play - "Where's the bottleneck?"
FYI - I hate Verizon, but their FIOS infrastructure is top notch.
Your PC:
How old is your PC?
Have you ran any diags on it lately?
Does your PC meet or exceed your online game specs?
Do you connect wirelessly or via a hard connection (CAT5e or better)?
Your LAN: (Local Area Network / your wireless router)
When you do intensive I/O on the internet, do you notice the same degradation of performance? (When you download large files, do you see a difference?)
Has the speed slowed over time or has it always been slow?
Do you reboot your router / ISP modem every few days?
Your WAN: (Wide Area Network / Verizon FIOS)
I listed a few sites below that can test your internet speed.
If after you answer all these questions, then I would call in Verizon for a stress test on their side.
If you have any more question, write back at:
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