2009-08-09 10:30:03 UTC
Whenever I try to enter the forums, I get an IPS driver error and for the main site I get this...
« MODx Parse Error »
MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« PHP Parse Error »
PHP error debug
Error: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections
Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
File: /www/sites/bjj/
Line: 87
Line 87 source: if (!$this->conn = ($persist ? mysql_pconnect($host, $uid, $pwd) : mysql_connect($host, $uid, $pwd, true))) {
Parser timing
MySQL: 0.0000 s (0 Requests)
PHP: 0.0137 s
Total: 0.0137 s
Error while inserting event log into database.
I can't seem to contact the website to fix it. Any help please? I've missed a great contest because of this issue. (I've used both Firefox, IE, and another computer.) If possible, any fellow boajjang member contacting the admins would be greatly appreciated!