I want to make my network private, I use a wireless router from Time Warner. How can I do this.?
2009-11-28 14:20:17 UTC
I also need to figure out how to find my IP address
Five answers:
2009-11-28 14:23:06 UTC
to find your ip, you can use the command line in windows...

first, start, then run, then type cmd.

in the command line window type ipconfig. this will give you a lot of info including your local ip, usually (or some such), but will also give you the local gateway, (or some such also). this is only your local address and the address of your router or modem. however, it may have your gateway in there too, but usually this is not the same as you isp ip. to find that, if you really need it, go to

as for making it private, first go to the router gui using any brower and inputting the address you found in the ipconfig window into the address bar. this should take you to the user interface ot the router. find security and first set a password.

then find the lan configuratin page and wireless page. you can set filters for both address ranges, mac filters (not mac computers) and reservation of addresses there. also, you can set the encryption and the key, but be sure you know what the key is as if you don't, you will have to connect w/ a cable to check/change it. all iof this should be in your manual.
2009-11-28 22:29:14 UTC
To find out the public IP address of your time warner router, go to

to find out the default gateway of your router so you can get into the programming, go to the start menu, type in cmd, that will give you a dos prompt.

type in ipconfig /all, make sure to put in the space between ipconfig a the forward slash.

The default gateway address is the address of the router.

Open up a web page and type that address directly into the browser, (where you type

It should be an address like

From there you can look at the wireless settings on the router. The password on your router should be the serial number on it. The log in is normally Admin.

Hope that help a little
2009-11-28 22:24:17 UTC
Read the manual that came with the router

Turn off SSID broadcasting

Set WPA security with a good, secure passcode

Change the Admin login password to the router

Write down the admin password, network SSID name and the WPA passcode in the inside front cover of the router manual for when you forget it nine months from now.
2009-11-28 22:24:23 UTC
You need to activate the wireless connections and activate the DHCP server to assign the ip.

What model of modem do you have?
2009-11-28 22:24:03 UTC
you can do this in the program that came with the router.if you didn't get a program then you must take this up with the company.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.