Easiest way? Download the http://pclinuxos.com and burn to CDrom. reboot, and it boots in CD, runs in RAM disc. Provides full VT100 terminal services, BASH, TSCH, and other shells! Telnet is there, plus C compilers, and PHP, Perl scripting!
Also, this does wifi if your laptop is equipped!
When you are done with the 1900 games, programs, shells, consoles, suites, etc, just 'log out' and remove the CDrom, and reboot to the xp environment!
On a smaller laptop, just running from the LiveCDrom should work well for you. Install as a multi boot system is possible, but, I would give it a 6 gb partition or, 10 if it doesn't press you. Make sure to defrag before you ever hit the install icon!
The forums are a great help, on the website!