my desktop froze while i was playing a game and when i had to force restart it my hardwired Ethernet connection would no longer connect. my computer is the only one in the house that won't connect now and that is with some wireless and wired connections. i tried unplugging and restarting the router with no success and i also tried a system restore back to when it did work also with no success. i also tried to open CMD prompt and "ipconfig /release and /renew" with no success (for some reason it wouldn't release the ip when i have did that at a previous time). i tried to find a driver update for the motherboard and not to my surprise i found that there hasn't been a driver update put out for it since mid 2008. my computer is a custom build that i built about 5-6 years ago with no modifications since and has just now started with these problems. i'm assuming it is because everything is just about outdated on it now. the other day i just order all new parts to make a new build but i would still like if i was able to use my old build for storage and internet access in the future.