Free web hosting providers are not reliable and usually slow in connection. Try to get a paid hosting to develop worry free websites.
There are many web hosting providers and you might become confused to choose which one. I would like to tell you the web hosting I like to recommend. It is bluehost.
Visit here
Why blue host? There are many reasons.
1) It is reputable and reliable web hosting
2) Their Customer Support is excellent
3) You will get FREE DOMAIN ever
4) You will get big webspace which is 1500 GB
5) A lot of bandwidth or data transfer - 15000 GB
6) They are AFFORDABLE and cheap
7) Host unlimited domains, you create unlimited websites under one account
8) Automatic installation script, Fantastico , install blogs or forums in seconds.
9) Latest php, mysql, python, free shopping cart script AND MORE
10) FREE SITE BUILDER with which you create your very first websites quickly