Calm down... We'll get through this. =)
1) Go to Start > Run. Type CMD and hit enter.
2) Type ping
If you get responses you have a working DNS entry.
If you get 100% failure, you either have no DNS or no Internet access.
3) Type ping
If you get responses here, you definitely have an internet connection.
So... If ping works and ping does not, then they are right.
Minimize this window.
If they are right, do this...
1) Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Local Area Connection.
2) Right-Click on Local Area Connection and choose Properties.
3) Click on Internet Protocol and click on Properties.
4) Click on the button that says Use the following DNS Server Addresses.
5) Enter into the first one and into the second one. Click OK in that window and the other window.
6) Reopen the text window.
7) Type ping
If you get responses you have a working DNS entry.
This should work for you.
If you have any questions EMAIL ME through this my profile on portal. It goes to my business email address.
Tim Biden