2014-03-19 17:36:54 UTC
I need some help with our network setup. Here are some facts before I ask questions: -
1. My ISP provided a static public IP (and a subnet mask) that I set as WAN-facing on my router.
2. The router uses DHCP to NAT to several LAN devices. All devices are able to access internet without problems.
3. All LAN devices are on same LAN subnet.
4. We have leased 5 additional public static IPs for use with our 5 servers. These servers are required to be publicly accessible without having to go through VPN.
5. These static public IPs are on a subnet that is different (again, different) from subnet in fact# 1 above.
6. ISP refuses to provide static IPs that are on same subnet as in fact#1.
7. My router supports VLAN.
Now the questions: -
1. How should I configure my router to accommodate the 5 public servers? I know every router is different but a simple 1-2-3 in English will be helpful.
2. I have 5 public IPs but what should be the subnet mask and gateway to be set on each of the 5 servers?
Thanks for reading.