Problem in a Local area network. Passwords blocks me from entering?
2008-11-21 08:06:28 UTC
How can I go in an Administrator if it has a password? I just built a local area of 2 computers. If I use my computer, and I will go to Workgroup computers and double click my brothers PC, it needs a password. In fact My brother didn't set any passwords for his PC at all. While his, doesn't need a password for entering my PC. Does this mean he is the administrator? And how do I fix the password thing.
Three answers:
2008-11-21 08:09:42 UTC
your brother is most likely the administrator then. You should ask him for the password. You can't change the password option unless you are also made an administrator, which can be done, but by your brother.
2008-11-21 08:19:43 UTC
to change administrator password on your computer you will need to click start hover your mouse over my computer right click the mouse you will see a drop down menu, click manage, then you will see another little window pop up where it says Computer Management(local). on the left click local users and groups, then click users... you will see your list of users including the Administrator, right click the administrator one and the first option should be Set Password... set the pass to what ever you want then just click on and it will give you a warning and such but just click ok or proceed or what ever... there you go you now have the admin login and pass, this is only if you are using XP not vista, to login to administrator you will have to make sure you have set the way you login correctly, go to control panel, user accounts, change the way users log in or off, then if those boxes that you see are checked make sure they are un checked. this way you will be able to login by typing the name and password not the easy click and type password way, when you log out you will see a little box that says user name and password, type in Administrator and the password... login, then you should be logged in. Now for seeing into your bros pc... umm the only thing i thought you could see is shared documents... too get into shared docs you just simply go to start find My Network Places and they should be right there... if not just on the left it says View workgroup computers click it, you should see his computer. click and his shared docs should be there if not you have not set your network up properly.

Anyways GOOD LUCK! any other questions feel free to ask me!
2008-11-21 08:12:32 UTC
Is this XP or Vista?

If it's Vista, there's a lot more mundane security built into the way networking is handled. If it's XP, it might be a "share permissions" issue.

Are you trying to network wirelessly or through a WAN?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.