Playstation network error 8001050F?
2010-02-28 16:09:37 UTC
I was playing cod mod warfare 2 about 3 hours and i got off to go watch the hockey game and icame back and was ready to play and it starte up then i loggged in to the user1 and it said an error has occured youhave been signed out of playstation network....i have no idea what to do the error 8001050F keeps coming up! help please..all suggestions
163 answers:
2010-03-04 12:58:57 UTC
It was a date which will live in infamy (within the gaming community). It was a day in which trophies were lost, in which we all jumped back in time and in which Xbox 360 owners felt universally smug. It was – a term coined almost instantly across the web – the ApocalyPS3. Yesterday something happened to the Playstation Network and to original PS3s, and it wasn’t something good.

An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)

That was the message that greeted as many as 25 million owners of the original, chunky PS3 when they tried to get onto the PSN yesterday. Sony was quick to spot the error, shooting this announcement out into the angry masses from the safety of a window high atop a very tall building:

“As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3. We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.”

“We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours,” the company continued. “In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

Easy come, trophy go

The error, which some have accredited to the PS3 thinking 2010 was a leap year, brought with it a number of nightmarish side effects other than just blocking access to online COD fragging. These ranged from the trivial (turning the clock back to the year 2000), to the annoying (deleting rented movies) to the truly horrific (all trophy data disappearing into the hazy nether). Bearing in mind that these trophies can take many, many moons to collect, we’re surprised that Sony’s not bothered to open an ApocalyPS3 councelling hotline.

The internet speaks

Unsurprisingly, people weren’t all that happy about this. Those angry masses we mentioned went on to launch a tirade of online complaints, video rants and Twitticisms. Not only that, but the media jumped on the bandwagon and widely broadcast the fault as if it truly were the end of days. This was especially evident to any London-dwellers this morning, who would have seen the story slathered all over the front page of this morning’s Metro – probably the first time a gaming piece has been deemed such immense news since Super Mario was spotted with one of Wayne Bridge’s exes. Here are just some posts from the Tweet onslaught:

@kdsh7 sony release a statement about the ApolcalyPs3. It's like the Y2K bug, but with actual consequences!

@ElectricSpectre ApocalyPS3: Someone, somewhere in Japan is breathing a sigh of relief this morning after millions of PS3’s broke

@RyanAAnderson Fear the apocalyps3. All ps3's are dying!

@opilai is BOTHERED - lost my Heavy Rain trophies during theApocalyPS3

@MattyHusted I Survived The Apocalyps3

Related hashtags and trending topics still kicking up the PSN Bug dust are:

Facebook went just as ballistic, and kicked off an Xbox Vs PS3 debate that remains unfinished. If you’d like to have your go at writing something persuasive using the either phrase “ring of death” or the word "fail" then you should journey to our Fan Page now.

By the by, our favourite, most dramatic and over-zealous of the media's headlines on the piece was this from Wired: "ApocalyPS3: Buggy Clock Drives Playstation 3 Haywire." ...if only because we like the word 'Haywire'.

That's still not a patch on the witchhunt-style journalistic bandwagon-jumpery the BBC applied to the 'Yellow ring of death' story, mind. Of course, nobody in the whole of interweb land managed to sum up the anger, the sorrow and the rage quite like this chap from America. (Warning: Extremely colourful language).

Alls well that ends... with nobody dying

As you’d expect, Sony’s hastily fixed the bug, having presumably not let anyone go home yesterday until someone hit the PSN server with enough gusto to spin the clocks back to 2010. An official statement from the red-faced gaming giant reads: “We have verified that the symptoms are now resolved and that users are able to use their PS3 normally."

This, thankfully, means that the worst crisis of our time since the Y2K panic is over. It’s behind us now and all that remains is to move on with our lives - maybe go outside or something like that. Have you been irreversibly scarred by yesterday’s palaver, or were you too busy doing things in the real world?
2010-02-28 16:43:24 UTC
i think someone playing COD6 launched an EMP on the but seriously i got it wtf!?
The Truth
2010-02-28 16:35:06 UTC
holy crap! i just went through the same thing!

DAMN CANADIANS! First they took USA's gold away, then take away the US PLAYSTATION NETWORK! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!

yeah I'm hoping it's a temp error I've been looking up other sites and it keeps referring to the warranty and rebooting and all that, eff that!

anyways this isn't an answer as you can tell. Just a fellow PS3 gamer letting you know, I'm right there with ya man.
Dj Army
2010-03-04 10:51:57 UTC
I means that the Playstation Network is down. It should be up as soon as playstation fixes it. It is 3/4/2010 and it is working for me now so it should pe back up for you.
2010-02-28 16:49:22 UTC
I just called PSN and they said that the network was down for maintenance...aka network error. For those of you worrying that it might actually be your console, this should put you at ease. Supposedly it should be up and running within the hour.
2010-02-28 16:48:39 UTC
Hi, I am Brandon from the PlayStation Network and we are over flooded with E-mails and complaints. It is a server error, we are working on fixing, but as for now you just need to sit and wait. It should be back on in about 1(One) hour. Sorry for any inconvenience this error may have caused
2010-02-28 16:14:28 UTC
Yup, it just happened to me too. It must be the Network's problem
2010-02-28 18:38:44 UTC
I also have the older fat ps3, one of my older games works but not my newer ones.

Fallout 3 booted fine got into the game

Dragon age. got the 800... error

Aliens versus predator got the 800... error

don't know if that helps anyone

Just a Heads up, 5:17pm MST tue, just got online with psn and playing Aliens versus predator after a small update it might be working for some of us now
2010-02-28 17:22:13 UTC
Me too. How ridiculous is it that you can't even play offline single player? Also having new issues with media server connection that is new, but I'm not sure if that's related or what.
2010-02-28 16:41:30 UTC
this is crazy must be a network issue plus i don;t even see my trophies on some games anymore
2010-02-28 16:32:33 UTC
I have same problem.
2010-02-28 17:21:43 UTC
I did the same thing. Was playing Socom Confrontation and did a shutdown of the PS3 to watch the Olympic hockey game. Went back to play around 7pm EST and got the 8001050F signed off from PSN. So, it is 8:19pm and just checked and still get the same error. Resetted all my network stuff and everything works, except PSN. I see that a lot of other people have the same problem and Sony appears to be doing NOTHING about it. I think they are making a point so that they can charge to network use.
2010-02-28 20:34:37 UTC
If you search online you'll notice that going back to 2009 and 2008 people have been reporting this same problem every year on Feb 28th which, in case no one noticed, since February is the only month with 28 days and it's the day before leap year that it's probably all related. Either the PSN is regularly maintenanced every year on this date or it's just a problem with the dating system in the network that's not allowing people to log in. Since i'm assuming Sony isn't made up of total idiots and know how to make a calendar algorithm I would assume it's just some type of maintenance. Why it's affecting the old PS3s and not the new ones could be just because they have different firmware that doesn't require fixing since the new slim models were just released and the problem was probably already addressed internally. Everyone just stay calm and it will probably be fixed in a few hours.
2010-02-28 16:26:00 UTC
I'm getting the same problem. My PS3 was working fine last night before I called it a night. I wake up this morning and go to work, come back watch the ending of the hockey game, then try to get on my PS3. As soon as my PS3 booted up and I chose my profile, the error message showed up in the top right, and again when I tried to manually sign in. I guess the best thing we can do right now is just wait it out.
2010-02-28 16:36:43 UTC
8001050F error? hmmm...

Same problem here too.

After seeing that hockey game and having the Canada beat U.S., all I wanna do is just get on MW2 and own some people!

I guess I'll just keep waiting and reading about turbo cars and racing at

Anyone know how long it takes Sony/Playstation Network guys to fix these problems?
2010-02-28 21:03:38 UTC
This error is, by what I gather, a mass error of the PS Network caused by the leap year. And yes for the time being most any game that relies on the PSN connection is temporarily not working. Just wait it out and hope for the best. Sorry for the bad news.

On the good side, if you have a slim PS3 this error may not effect you.
2016-04-15 02:32:03 UTC
Same here, cannot use PSN. Here are some observations: I observed that my PS3 clock is not working like before. Like if I turn it off at 0925H, the next time I turn it on it still the same even though it's an hour after. Also I played Uncharted 2 offline and supposedly got 3 trophies (treasures, I have 13 already) but I was not able to get them! Does anyone have the same observations as I have?
2010-02-28 16:29:40 UTC
I have also fell victim of this mysterious error. Was really looking forward to Heavy Rain. Now I have a new mystery to solve. I have the 60GB version.

I just noticed this post further down the line. Figured i'd put it closer to the front.

"Hi, I am Brandon from the PlayStation Network and we are over flooded with E-mails and complaints. It is a server error, we are working on fixing, but as for now you just need to sit and wait. It should be back on in about 1(One) hour. Sorry for any inconvenience this error may have caused."

Too bad we can't bypass syncing the trophies for times like this.
Bad Bob
2010-02-28 19:55:08 UTC
Brandon from the PlayStation Network It's been 3 hr what's up dude? You said 1 hr at the start. Lets go bro
Super Gooch
2010-02-28 17:02:35 UTC
yeah, happened to me too. I resetted my router and my ps3 and still the 8001050f error. Today I d/l'd Super Street Fighter 2 turbo Remix HD and turned my ps3 off then 5hours later turned it back on it it wouldn't sign me in. Also my date is 1999 and my theme I had up was corrupted. I tried to play the Street fighter game and it game me that error for that. So I deleted SF2 and that theme and changed my time and still nothing. If anyone does get on, let us all know.
2010-02-28 16:56:06 UTC
yea yo, i wus playin gta 4 wit my homies, got off, had sumthin to eat and watched some of tha hockey game. come back a bit later and it gives me the ''cant sign on'' bullcrap with that 8001050f even when i manually try to sign in. usually when it signs me out when im playin i manually sign back in and everythin is fine which is normal, but this is obviously a server error since everyone has got it at around the same exact timing. just wait it out in an hour
2010-02-28 18:50:22 UTC
I think Sony may have thought this year was leap year therefor throwing the date and time off. Seeing how trophys are recorded by date and time. Might have screwed with some other stuff on the network. Just a thought I would throw out there.
2010-02-28 17:49:09 UTC
I think that "Don’t Panic: PlayStation Network Down For Maintenance" stuff is kinda shady! I absolutely do not believe that Sony would schedule PSN maintenance for a Sunday evening at 8pm *at least when I tried to log on for the first time*. Something must have happened and they just don't want to explain.
2010-02-28 16:33:12 UTC
Hi, I am Brandon from the PlayStation Network and we are over flooded with E-mails and complaints. It is a server error, we are working on fixing, but as for now you just need to sit and wait. It should be back on in about 1(One) hour. Sorry for any inconvenience this error may have caused.
2010-02-28 18:40:26 UTC
MAN! Wife went to bed, went to play a hour of COD MW2 before its time to crash to get ready for work in morning and I get this crazy message as well. The first time i've personally seen it and makes me feel a bit better to know I am not alone but come on. Watch this be common for the " free non premium " customers once they go to some kind of premium content like service.
2010-02-28 16:35:48 UTC
Same problem here in San Jose, CA. My PS3 was working fine earlier today and then I just got on right now and got a msg telling me the error. It must be the network since everyone is having the issue.
Edward S
2010-02-28 17:46:23 UTC
This is terrible.

Seriously, I can understand a network issue affecting online game play.

But the system is a brick because of their issue?

I can't play single player games that do not require the internet.

I also can't use Netflix Streaming?

Now how is it possible that trying to connect to Netflix to watch a movie is affected by some SONY issue???

Sony has issued a statement:

We are looking into it.....
2010-02-28 16:34:07 UTC
yeah same thing has happened to me i signed out, and then tried to sign in 5 minutes later and the error 8001050F came up and wont let me sign in, im about to reset my router to see if that works but i doubt it, i think its a server problem as everyone has the same error lol, sucks, glad its not just my ps3 though, hope it gets fixed soon!
2010-02-28 16:44:34 UTC
Just to confirm. Same thing here in Kitchener/Waterloo Ontario. I was playing MW2 earlier today, went to watch the hockey game and now I cant get logged in. Interesting note though.... My friend has been logged in all day and is still playing MW2 online right now.
2010-02-28 16:25:41 UTC
I am literally having exactly the same problem, considering there seems to be quite a few people with the same problem at the same time it would be safe to assume that the PSN network is experiencing some issues.
2010-02-28 16:25:25 UTC
Yeah man same thing happened to me. I was playing bout 4 hours ago, got off to see Canada beat the USA :D I come back and I'm getting this error
2010-02-28 21:26:09 UTC
This error occured because the date has been reset on all ps3's just have a look at yours.I have tried resetting it manually but no luck.So this has to be a server side error not end user error so I would'nt format or reset your system unless they tell us to.
2010-02-28 17:22:20 UTC
Man it's happening to me too. Good to hear i'm not the only one. Did anyone else get a weird message saying something about the perks on COD? anyway i did and i replied f***k you so i though someone at PSN was screwing with me. I'll wait the hour and see what happens.
2010-02-28 16:28:06 UTC
ya i got the same error. my themes are corrupted and the games i have shared from other friends are not working. i was about to freak out because another site said that there was nothing that could be done but since all of you are having the same problem, i am sure it is psn now. hope it works soon
2010-02-28 18:23:23 UTC
My husband is having the same problem on his Ps3 He has the older larger PS I have the Ps3 slim and have no problem signing in to the PS network maybe its something with the system no solution yet so if you find one let me know too
2010-02-28 17:06:41 UTC
wow this is weird seeing as many people as there are out there with the same issue. Makes you wonder if PSN is monitoring this forum and laughing. Anyone wanna start a mass chatroom and discuss this in real time? just bored till I can get back to AC2 (Awesome BTW)
2010-02-28 16:43:21 UTC
Holly hell what an epidemic. Ive heard it from being a default with the ps3 to a virus in the psn. working on reformating (more than likely im gonna do if for nothing) and I'll post back if I have any luck.
2010-02-28 16:59:52 UTC
Same here, Montreal Canada. I was playing Heavy Rain and suddenly it froze, then i got that tophie error and the same error code as everybody. Sigh! I hope it will be fixed soon, i can't wait to go back to Heavy Rain!
2010-02-28 20:02:03 UTC
Same thing here. Just happened about a half an hour ago, I was actulley playing playing MW2, it then froze, I restarted, then I wen't back in and it told me it couldn't register trophies and quit the game, then everytime I tried to sign in, it would give me that message.
2010-02-28 16:37:30 UTC
Also happened to me. Definitely something on the PSN end. Seems like it's only happening to those with MW2, which isn't good news for those over at Playstation as it is arguably their most popular game.
2010-02-28 16:18:10 UTC
I just posted a question about the same errror, it was working 5 hours ago and know it won't let me sign on either, i am getting same error number it most be psn problem
2010-03-01 20:30:50 UTC
The issue was with the internal clock inside the ps3. since this is a leap year the ps3 had issues trying to change from feb 28 to march first so it did feb 29 a date that does not exist so it reverted itself back to another date but the issue should be fix by now since its march 2 so no need to worry guys everything is back to normal for more information please visit the play station blog
2010-02-28 21:40:34 UTC
I haven't had any problems with the network. I have a new machine, but a friend of mine is also, he has an older 60 gig. is there a commonality: do all of you have an older machine???
2010-02-28 18:49:03 UTC
I looked up problems with the playstation network and i found out that some of the calendars are resetting causing the networks to have errors and shut down. here is one of the sites that i found info on.
2010-02-28 21:26:24 UTC
Its not exactly the network, its the firmware of the PS3. People are getting this update that aren't even connected up to the internet. I have read it's something to do with the date. All Sony has to say is that they are looking into it.
2016-02-20 10:11:05 UTC
Facebook went just as ballistic, and kicked off an Xbox Vs PS3 debate that remains unfinished. If you’d like to have your go at writing something persuasive using the either phrase “ring of death” or the word "fail" then you should journey to our Fan Page now.
2010-02-28 16:56:35 UTC
Me 2
2010-02-28 16:51:31 UTC
Same issue here (UK) also got the wrong date issue. (28 days in Feb, could be an Issue ?)

Tried to log onto the PS Network online and that seems to be down as well.

Fingers crossed Sony haven't screwed up my PS3.
2010-02-28 18:36:29 UTC
sony knows about the problem there is nothing you can do about it to fix it on your end they have a message on there phone line and on there twitter page saying they are aware of the problem so there is no need to try all these random things people keep saying to try and fix it lol next thing you know someones going to say stand on your head while you turn on your station or something people dont what they are talking about half the time we just got to be patient
stephen p
2010-02-28 19:31:39 UTC
im three seconds from punting my ps3 aka a solid brick of wires because sony a trillion dollar industry cannot make there customers happy my god they have had like 8 hours to work on this problem somebody is falling asleep at the wheel
2010-02-28 16:54:30 UTC
i guess misery really does love company...i'm so relieved now that i know this is a worldwide epidemic. I'm in Fort Worth, TX and i saw people and scotland and canada has problems. Speaking of Canada, Red White and Blue forever!!!! Win lose or Draw.
2010-02-28 16:49:44 UTC
The same thing just happened to me, COD MOD Warfare 2. HELP!
2010-02-28 16:35:22 UTC
really wierd, guys, this if goin on with me, and someone from a forum said they called sony and a tech said its a virus that got into psn. BTW it happened to me, really frckn wierd, look at date and time it is 12/31/1999. the 2000 armaggedon? when everything was supposed to stop working?
2010-02-28 17:05:46 UTC
Yeah i called PS3 and they said the network servers are having problems and they should be back up in a couple hours!!
Tyler R
2010-02-28 16:36:57 UTC
Here in San Diego california too

can't even do single player because the trophies don't work

EDIT: get the new system update! Whole new xmb directory!! Looks freaking sweet!!!
2010-02-28 16:43:53 UTC
Must have something to do with the hockey game and Canada beating the USA, punishment to all Canadians.

My Theme is all whacked.
2010-02-28 16:37:54 UTC
yea iam the same playing cod modenwf2 and it came up some **** about trophies and quit and wont let me sign into the network i looked on the net and this has happened ages ago has any one got any ideas
Andrew M
2010-02-28 17:55:17 UTC
My 60gb in my living room does not work, my 120gb (new version) in my bedroom works just fine. One of my brothers has a 60gb which is not working and my other brother has a 120gb which is also working? Seems to be the older style systems are having issues?
2010-02-28 16:41:29 UTC
Its not just MW2 players, mate, its everyone. All I wanted to do was play Heavy Rain, but nooooo, can't sync the trophies, can't play the game.

And, mr Sony Support bloke, why is data on peoples local drives showing as corrupt thanks to a SERVER error? How much of my local (ps3) stored data is actually 'local'?
2010-02-28 16:26:56 UTC
me too i was playing COD MW2 and i left to go to dinner and when im back i cant sign in i get the error i think its a psn problem if everyone is getting the same problem..
2010-02-28 16:42:18 UTC
Happen to me to just now when i went to play white knight chronicles. Anyone know when the network will be back up and running?
2010-02-28 19:18:04 UTC
Yea.. my ps3 gone to 1999 the 31st of december... strange..

Anyone think this could be to do with the leap year day?? A problem acknowledging that??
John S
2010-02-28 17:14:36 UTC
wow, and I also gotten same thing logged off mw2 today, went skateboarding with my friends came back to play and now the error message tried rebooting ps3 idc i lost a good psn ac had another 1 and it wont let me go connections perfectly fine idk what the problem is u guys havin it too omfg they better fix it asap cuz wth is it with the update that why?????? man im so missed wanna play mw2 so bad cant omfg better fix asap!!!
2010-02-28 23:01:22 UTC
omg well after having a long day and looking forward to ps3 i get error 8001050f !!!!!!! i even reset my password thinking i must of deleted some letters im sooo upset right now when will this be fixed ??? soo sad for all of us!
2010-02-28 16:55:51 UTC
well i am glad i am not alone, it happened to me 3 hours ago fine now the connection error. I was playing MW2 also about 4 hours ago. GRRRR
2010-02-28 16:26:16 UTC
yep.. im in the same boat. i think the last version update had an error in it. ive been getting logged off during games yet i could still continue playing the game as i re-logged in.. something is messed.
2010-02-28 22:00:53 UTC
lo mismo pasa en mexico, al menos en cuernavaca, despues de leer sus coemntarios se que es algo generalizado y no solo de mi coneccion o de mi consola.

ayer compre heavy rain y queria probarlo hoy, lastima no se pudo.

alguien comento en las respuestas que los juegos viejos si funcionaban, voy a darle un rato al army of two que todavia no lo termino.

the same its happening in Mexico, at least in cuernvaca, after reading your comments i know that this is wide spread and not only happening to my console

yesterday i bought heavy rain and i wanted to try it today, sorry i cant

somebody mentioned in the answers that old games runs well, i going to play army of two, i havent finish it yet
2010-02-28 16:52:39 UTC
same thing happened to me.. looks like theres a lot of you.. I hope its just the network. Im worried maybe because I havent played my PS3 for months.
2010-02-28 16:46:56 UTC
Got it too..Playstation needs to fix it hat you can't play single player games when the network is down.

That'a just stupid! Can do it on my XBox :-)
2010-02-28 19:37:46 UTC
wow same here just on earlier today now it wont work for me. some one told me to just keep reseting bmy internet. tho ive been doin that for the past hr and getting nowhere really. i play resistance alot and most my clan isnt having the problem jsut me and another guy
2010-02-28 17:20:16 UTC
Yea dude, i was skating and come home to play for a bit and now it wont work at all. But before i went out it was working i don't understand that at all.
2010-02-28 16:24:36 UTC
Im having the same problem. Sony says its a system defect but thats dumb cause its happening to everyone right now.
2014-07-13 17:28:06 UTC
anyways this isn't an answer as you can tell. Just a fellow PS3 gamer letting you know, I'm right there with ya man.
2010-03-01 13:17:47 UTC
Same as everyone above me. I got my "fat" in Dec. 2008. I can still play offline at least. I'm just pissed this happened at all. I just got home from work 40 minutes ago.
2010-02-28 19:50:25 UTC
Why no one listens to me Skynet it's online. Now someone post John O'Connor's phone number or does anyone know if best buy is selling terminators?
2010-02-28 17:58:18 UTC
dude the sameeeee exact thing happened to me i was playing cod about 2 hours ago then i just now wry to sighn in and it says exactly that... i hope i dont have to pay another 200 dollars to get this **** fixed :(
2010-02-28 16:40:01 UTC
Glad Brandon could clear things up.. 60GB rare PS3 here as well.. GIVE ME MY MAG!!! hehe.. congrats to Canada for winning in Hockey.. you guys deserved it. Miller is da man!!!
2010-02-28 16:28:12 UTC
I am getting it as well. I am also getting the trophy error and can't play single player because it quits
2010-02-28 16:20:22 UTC
Same problem and error code. None of my other stuff is working either though...? Like I can't even play offline.
2010-02-28 20:35:28 UTC
same **** with me formatted my hard drive and all but still nothing hope its not so we have to go buy a new slim console. I have the fat 60 gig and dont wanna give it up. I got alot of dlc to re-download
2010-02-28 17:32:38 UTC
I am having the same issues. Thank god I have a Xbox and I am able to play on that one with no issues!
2010-02-28 16:33:12 UTC
2010-02-28 16:20:26 UTC
I think its a network problem cuz the same thin happened to me too
2010-02-28 21:01:55 UTC
this too is happening to me. Im in Australia using a FAT ps3 with 40GB drive :(( no fifa10 for me.. .cant even play offline! glad to see the whole world has the problem, that way i wont be bustign heads on my own
2010-02-28 19:10:27 UTC
apparently it's happening all over north america, europe, etc. they redesigned the PSN site over the weekend, so it's likely a result of some mistake made during that process. they say they're "working on it".
Thane H
2010-02-28 19:47:08 UTC
YA Same thing here Newtown CT
2010-02-28 17:36:38 UTC
Does all of your say that there was a problem savin trophy data or something like that.... mine only says that on MOD2 i can play cabelas and several other games no problems.....
2010-02-28 16:46:56 UTC
exact same problem with me! really don't know whats going on... same error code 8001050F
2010-02-28 19:00:20 UTC
lol what fun another psn problem my stopped said the exact same thing a few minutes ago it will most likely be working again tommorow :D
Prince K
2010-02-28 16:41:36 UTC
2010-02-28 21:42:50 UTC
Im having the same problem. I have a Phat PS3 60gb an i have tried calling ps3 an it says they are closed but on the website says there open 24 hours. idk whats going on but im getting pissed. Hope they do something soon its been almost 12 hours.
2010-02-28 18:01:00 UTC
Don't bother with changing your password... that's what I did, turns out a waste of my time considering all you guys are experiencing the same problem...
2010-02-28 17:14:08 UTC
along with this problem is anyone else getting other errors like connecting to the media server?
2010-02-28 16:21:06 UTC
Glad to see I'm not the only one. Just tried to play and it won't let me sign in.
2010-02-28 16:32:15 UTC
SAME **** happened to me! sony better fix this asap. this better not mean that I have to buy a new system...or else sony is making a F***ing 60 gb rare one again for me....damnit!

........ guys what kind of ps3s u have? old school or the new ones? everyone list their GB...lets see if they have anything in common
2010-02-28 19:20:59 UTC
8001050F - Hardware failure. Cannot update firmware or connect to internet.
2010-02-28 17:17:15 UTC
just attempted playstation network on the computer it also doesnt come up says connection is reseting.
2010-02-28 20:41:05 UTC
Just called Sony and They have informed me that the server is down for maintenance..... A little bullshit that it is taking so long but that is the issue.
2010-02-28 18:57:21 UTC
Sony will do anything to get you to buy the newer slim version or the 120GB Damn corporate world!
2010-02-28 18:13:08 UTC
Yup i received the same dang error.I was all set to play dante's inferno and bamm dam it.
2010-02-28 16:56:22 UTC
wow just about sick of hearing da same thing, am actually sat ere bored shitless waitin 4 psn to pull there finger out, so c'mon plz hurry da **** up :D
2010-02-28 16:36:51 UTC
******* PSN .... the should fire their network people ...the service has been **** for at least 2 weeks culminating in this latest fiasco....bullshit
King 301
2010-02-28 16:35:37 UTC
An Error Has Occured you have been signed out of playstation network 8001050F

....alot of my trophies beeen deleted wtf can i do my games r freezing and everything
2010-02-28 16:32:14 UTC
I think its becaue Canada beat USA in hockey haha. jk.. no its happening to me to. I cant even play games that I downloaded.
2010-03-04 11:24:54 UTC
Network is down, it should be back up soon.
2010-02-28 19:44:47 UTC
Same with me WHEW!!! Thought I needed a new PS3!!!! But to those who least it is free unlike other Systems!
2010-02-28 17:35:42 UTC
playstation network is down for Maintenance
2010-02-28 17:05:39 UTC
y is sony doin dis 2 me im havin a mw2 fit i need my fix i thought da suspended my ps3(bad girl) so if yall find out da problem hopefully da fix it soon plz email me cus im bored witout my mw2
2010-02-28 16:30:19 UTC
yeah this happened to me too! wtf i was just about to get the new borderlands DLC :(

has anyone called Sony and see what they said. I dont want to send my PS3 for repairs, im out of warranty and i've repaired it twice once for Power Issue and another for Blu-ray died. That's at 250 a pop! grr :""(
2010-02-28 21:38:35 UTC
Yeah its supposinly going to take a while i still don't get why it wont let me even play offline? i even unplugged my ethernet cable are we going to have to reformatt or systems?
2010-02-28 19:37:00 UTC
yeh me too i was playing COD MW2 and it stopped working its bullshit hasnt worked for 6 hours, keep tryin but no luck

add me ps2 id: burto41
2010-02-28 17:00:01 UTC
hahahahh same prob on the psn gay fix it asap and canada sucks if they were so good there players wouldnt be in the nhl and win for there team!!!
Mando G
2010-02-28 19:28:14 UTC
sorry if i'm out of the loop but what's this people are mentioning about leap year? and this is lameeee i can't play MAG or MW2
2010-02-28 19:14:16 UTC
I'm having the same exact problem! My friend is also having the problem. Good to know its not just us!
epic to the max
2010-02-28 19:09:40 UTC
this problem is only happening with the old fat ps3 models i have a friend with a slim and its working fine but my other friends with fat models all are having the same problem
2010-02-28 16:46:03 UTC
Damn americans bunch of sore lossers just fix the damn thing everyone knew canada was going to win anyways
2010-02-28 16:55:11 UTC
same for me with AC2. Hope it clears soon as it looks like it's a PSN problem.
2010-02-28 16:51:32 UTC
Brandon from PSN, put the check in the mail. Time is money...
2010-02-28 16:20:47 UTC
you're having a laugh!!! i thought it was me so i've restored my PS3! although it did say most of my themes are corrupted and something about losing trophies for MW2 so it kept quitting!
2010-02-28 17:32:15 UTC
same here in Durham, UK! trying to play heavy rain after watching Canada win th gold and it won't even let you log on offline to play?! pretty damn inconvenient if you ask me!!!!
2010-02-28 17:21:39 UTC
I checked and their servers are all offline. I couldn't even access the site.
2010-02-28 16:23:25 UTC
im having the exact same problem :(

it said something about trophies and now it doesnt let me sign in!

sooo sad
2010-02-28 18:57:58 UTC
dammmm well looks like i might have to accually entertain myself for once and read a book or something
2010-02-28 18:15:43 UTC
and here incyprus the same think,i try play MAG (only this game i have now) and i cannot play
2010-02-28 16:30:34 UTC
Same here winnipeg canada
2010-02-28 16:41:37 UTC
yup...same thing here...something about trophy registration & my game is a quitter...Modern Warfare 2...
2010-02-28 16:20:46 UTC
I'm getting the same message also
2010-02-28 18:50:56 UTC
has any bodys network started working yet?
2013-11-21 03:48:18 UTC
Get Xbox one with little participation
2010-02-28 20:12:15 UTC
still nothing whyyyyyy is this happenin da world is coming to an end.
2010-02-28 16:28:48 UTC
Yea i am high and very aggitated. the same this is happening to me.
2010-02-28 16:28:50 UTC
arrrrgh meee too! glad its not just me, and must be the networks fault
2010-02-28 16:23:59 UTC
yeah same here. i cant even play single player, it quits on me. i hope its something that gets resolved quickly.
2010-02-28 17:24:55 UTC
idk about u guys but mine was out just a while ago and is back up and running im playing call of duty theres tons of people on here whoooooo... come on guys sign back in lets play!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:56:08 UTC
Same problem here. Anybody have any luck?
Haider H
2010-02-28 19:01:59 UTC
this happened to me to this bull **** of sony is pissing me off someone have there number call them and see how to fix it or should we take it to someone what the hell i do GOD DAMN SONY
2010-02-28 16:28:41 UTC
exactly the same here in scotland ..such a pain in the ***
2010-02-28 20:47:48 UTC
5hrs later still getting the 8001050f code of death. This is slowly killing me i think

2010-02-28 17:33:21 UTC
mine still isnt working tho. its still sayin the same thing that you guys had. and suggestions?
Glenn l
2010-02-28 16:33:19 UTC
Samething with me.
2010-02-28 19:14:56 UTC
2010-02-28 17:00:10 UTC
Well...At least im glad im not the only one thou....Yoo psn hurry up, come on !!!!!.
2010-02-28 16:22:46 UTC
me too. i think its the network
2010-02-28 20:39:44 UTC
Same problem! This is so annoying.
2010-02-28 19:16:20 UTC
i have the same problem. it wont sign me in
oh my gizzle i am the shizzle
2010-03-01 05:22:29 UTC
yo my dawg it just happened to me
2010-02-28 19:47:53 UTC
It happened to me also.
2010-02-28 16:50:28 UTC
im having the same least im not the only one....
2010-02-28 17:22:59 UTC
hopefully they can get it working soon
2010-02-28 16:26:09 UTC
to anyone who has formatted their console,does it work?? lol
2010-02-28 16:26:16 UTC
yea same here. im so mad. they better fix it soon
2010-02-28 21:40:30 UTC
just go to sleep and let people fix it.RELAX PEOPLE
2010-02-28 18:30:45 UTC
hhhmmm well....i have exactly the same problem.... :( i want to play mw2 ****!!!
2010-02-28 16:36:02 UTC
i don't know we might been banded
2010-03-04 03:31:52 UTC
i have the same problem
Peter Jr.
2010-02-28 20:03:32 UTC
this is bullsh*t its me too
2010-02-28 18:52:19 UTC
not up yet
2010-02-28 21:03:48 UTC
2010-02-28 16:36:32 UTC
2010-02-28 16:26:16 UTC
Man this stupid **** just happend to me 2 idk what is going on. THEY BETTER FIX IT ER IMA BE MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-02-28 19:14:43 UTC
wtf i was waxing my pole on redtube and like wttf !! shuts down ohh man
2010-02-28 22:09:45 UTC
2010-02-28 16:51:00 UTC
omg me too.. wat is this

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.