i have a 8 port hub. how can i connect with 5 pcs in Windows XP.?
2006-12-03 00:58:13 UTC
i have a 8 port hub. how can i connect with 5 pcs in Windows XP.?
Four answers:
2006-12-03 01:06:40 UTC
Checking For Necessary Network Software 1. Restart your computer. 2. Follow the path: Control Panel. or Follow the path: Settings Control Panel. (If you are using the “Classic theme”) 3. Double-click . 4. Scroll down and click on Network Connections. 5. Right-click Local Area Connections, and then select Properties from the pop-up menu. Note: There may be more than one “Local Area Connections” depending on your hardware configuration. If there is, please call x2200 or bring your computer to the Helpdesk; the computer consultants can assist you in configuring the correct connection. 6. In the This connection uses the following items text box, the following items will be checked: On an unconfigured machine: • Client for Microsoft Networks • File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks • NWLink NetBIOS On a configured machine (skip to the Configuring Microsoft Networks section). • Novell Client For Windows • Client for Microsoft Networks • File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks • Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Configure Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties 1. On the Local Area Connection Properties window, double-click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). 2. On the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, click to bullet Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. 3. Click ; the Advanced TCP/IP Settings window opens. 4. On the IP Settings tab: a. Under IP addresses, make sure that only DHCP Enabled appears. b. Default gateways should be blank. c. Automatic metric should be checked. 5. Click the DNS tab: • DNS server address, in order of use should be blank. • Click to bullet Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes. • Click to check Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix. • The box below Append these DNS suffixes (in order) should be blank. • Click to check Register this connection’s addresses in DNS.

6. Click the WINS tab: • WINS address, in order of useshould be blank. • Click to check Enable LMHOSTS lookup. • Under NetBIOS Settings, click to bullet Default: Use NetBIOS setting from the DHCP server. 7. Click the Options tab. 8. Under Optional settings, select TCP/IP Filtering.9. Click , the TCP/IP Filtering window opens. 10. Click to bullet Permit All above TCP Ports, UDP Ports, and IP Protocols. 11. Click to close windows until you are asked whether to restart your computer. 12. Click to restart your computer

Installing Novell Client For Windows If Novell Client For Windows is not on your configuration list, you can download it from Configuring Microsoft Networks 1. On the Local Area Connection Properties window, double-click on the Client For MicrosoftNetworks option. 2. On the Name Service Provider drop-down list, select Windows Locator. 3. Click ; you will be returned to the Local Area Connection Properties window. Configuring Network Identification To configure your computer to more easily access some network facilities specific to Middlebury College, do the following. 1. Right click , and select Properties. 2. Click the Computer Name tab. 3. Click at the bottom of the window. 4. Enter your computer name (Please do not select a name that is similar to one of the server names on campus. Typically, the servers are named after different types of cats. Most people name their computers after themselves or their Usernames to keep the name unique. If you have any concerns regarding your computer name please call x2200. 5. Under Member of, click to bullet Workgroup. If your computer currently belongs to a domain, do NOT change the settings without consulting with the administrator of that domain! Do NOT add your computer to the Middlebury domain without consulting with the Helpdesk. 6. Type MIDD in the Workgroup field. 7. Click twice.

Why You Must Register Your Computer Because of the pervasiveness of computer viruses and the impact a virus-infected computer can have on the college network, all personally owned computers must be registered on the network. This allows infected computers to be quickly identified and isolated to prevent harm to other computers. The first time you launch a web browser and attempt to connect to the Middlebury College network (after following the instructions for configuring your computer for the network), Campus Manager detects that your computer is new to the network. It begins a process of determining if your computer is adequately protected from virus infections before it allows access to network facilities. Campus Manager has been developed to do the following: • Identify computers that have not been registered on the network and isolate them until they comply with our requirements for system safety. • Assist their owners with the installation of the proper system patches (Windows operating systems only). • Assist their owners with the installation of up-to-date anti-virus software (Windows operating systems only). • Register the computer and link it to its owner. • Release the computer from isolation so it can operate on the Middlebury College network. The Registration Procedure 1. The first time an unregistered computer attempts to connect to the Middlebury College network with a browser, a Network Registration page displays. Click Startto begin. 2. A Responsible Computing page opens. Read the statement carefully and then click I Agreeto continue. 3. Click Click Here to go to Windows Update. This sends your browser to the Windows Update page which determines if your operating system requires a system update for security purposes. • If your operating system is up-to-date: a. A message displays indicating no updates are needed. b. Close the browser window to return to the previous page. • If your operating system needs critical updates: a. Follow the instructions provided to install an update. b. After an update is applied, you must restart your computer. c. After the restart, return to the page above and click Click Here to go to Windows Updateagain. If you computer is seriously out-of-date you may need to restart and revisit Windows Update several time to complete the process. d. When you are told that no updates are needed you may close the browser window

4. Click the herelink. The Virus Protection page opens. 5. You must have anti-virus software on your computer to use the network. • If you do not have up-to-date anti-virus software: a. Click the Click to install Symantec Antiviruslink. b. Follow the installation procedure for Semantic AntiVirus. c. Close the browser window to return to the Virus Protection page. d. Click the Click here to continue the registration processlink. • If you have anti-virus software that you keep up-to-date and do not want Symantec AntiVirus, click the Click here to continue the registration processlink. 6. The registration page opens. Complete the registration information requested. a. In the User Name field, enter your username. b. In the Password field, enter your password. c. Click . 7. A page displays indicating your computer has been registered. Restart your computer to activate the new settings. Your computer will be allowed onto the Middlebury College network upon restart

4. Click the herelink. The Virus Protection page opens. 5. You must have anti-virus software on your computer to use the network. • If you do not have up-to-date anti-virus software: a. Click the Click to install Symantec Antiviruslink. b. Follow the installation procedure for Semantic AntiVirus. c. Close the browser window to return to the Virus Protection page. d. Click the Click here to continue the registration processlink. • If you have anti-virus software that you keep up-to-date and do not want Symantec AntiVirus, click the Click here to continue the registration processlink. 6. The registration page opens. Complete the registration information requested. a. In the User Name field, enter your username. b. In the Password field, enter your password. c. Click . 7. A page displays indicating your computer has been registered. Restart your computer to activate the new settings. Your computer will be allowed onto the network upon restart

Connecting to a File Server Commonly used documents and applications are available from file servers - shared computers with hard disks that you can access from your networked PC. To connect to a server: 1. Open My Computer on your desktop. 2. Click on My Network Places. 3. In the My Network Places window, click Entire Network. 4. In the Entire Network window, double-click NetWare Services. 5. In the NetWare Services window, double-click NetWare Servers. 6. Right-click the server you want to log into, and select Login to Server from the pop-up menu. 7. In the Novell Login window, enter your username in the Username field. 8. Enter your password in the Password field. 9. Click . 10. There is no visual clue that a login was successful. Double-click on TIGERCAT or SERVAL to open a window to the information stored on it. Student accounts are in the path TIGERCAT.VOL1 USERS username. Note: You can make your life easier by creating a shortcut to your server login. To create and use a shortcut: 1. Right-click the desired fileserver in the Netware or Compatible Network window. 2. Select Create Shortcut from the pop-up menu. The shortcut will be created on your desktop. 3. Double-click this shortcut icon when you want to log into the selected server. Please consult the document Saving A File On A Server Using A PC for information on saving files to server storage spaces. This is the recommended method of file storage at Middlebury and offers several advantages: 1.You can access your files from any networked computer on campus. 2.The server is a robust, reliable hard drive that offers password protection for your files. 3.The server is backed up nightly by someone else so lost files can be recovered if they have resided on the server for at least one night – call the Helpdesk at x2200 to recover a file. 4.The server is periodically scanned for viruses
2006-12-03 01:03:37 UTC
Connect all your computers into the hub. For each seperate computer, open the network connection and click "Set up a home or small business network" and go through the process (make sure your leave your network name as the default MSHOME. If your computers are not on the same network, they won't see each other.). Do this for each computer. You should be able to see their shared files and folders once you are done. Just click "Add a network place" and search for them.
2016-11-23 19:02:24 UTC
you have not any configured VLANs on the change do you? seem on the IPs of the computers contained in the realm that you're saying the change works in. What are the ameliorations? there's a houses section, on the community connection, that facilitates you to deselect the alternative to have living house windows turn off the device to keep ability. i'd make effective that is became off.
2006-12-03 00:59:48 UTC
What kind of Hub?




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