all electrical kit emits radiation (emf) it cannot help it.
all kosher kit is limited by regulation to within reasonable tolerance levels when in good repair, EU regs are quite strict and low very little broad band power to be emitted.
so, top made classy kit could be right next to a pacemaker and not harm (though of course you wouldn't risk it as an experiment)
Phones and transmitters like Wi-Fi are weak but not negligible; the closer you are the more radio waves you'll absorb and it could be a phone on your ear for hours would warm up adjacent brain cells.
At the other extreme we once tested a new but cheap (Far Eastern) microwave cooker and it was leaking microwaves to the extent you could cook something OUTSIDE the door - hopefully they are better these days but I'd never stand close to one, I do not want boiled eyeballs.
The power emitted reduces as the square of the distance away - so hold the device twice as far from you and receive only quarter the power and so on.
Your Kindle if genuine is quality kit and effects will be minimal if it is on your lap. Probably, it's Wi-Fi is ok too but I would do wat you do, a remote hub via usb.
even the usb cable emits something, and a magnetic field, but ever so little.
Experiment. Hold a mobile phone near a transistor radio extension aerial. Start phone up. Radio will crackle to the calling tone of the phone, quite a lot, too. Any waveband, which means it is a broad effect.