to point our, carey is wrong in the beginning. Linux and depending on what version you get, you can do anything you want, including programming. For example, I am a graphic designer and i make dance music all and only on Linux Ubuntu: Dream Studio. As with a few of the other answers, Linus Torvalds did invent Linux after modifying an old mac computer back in the ancient times of the universe, to make the program that he used to make Linux. Torvalds also build the new Apple OSX, and the Windows OSs, but not many people know that. If you have ever rad the Terminatorr comics, Cyberdine Systems is just like Linux Systems; it is in everything electroncal. From operating systems, to websites, networks, hardware, they own Android, Linux is even in your car and your watch. Though Linux is not credited and known of it that much, the company really does rule the world.
Working with Linux, the only problem i have ever had is figuring out thcompatibilityty with what my computer can handle as far as soundVideooe and working with other OSs (VirtaulBox is not for me at this time, thadidn'tnt turn out so good haha) The most I have seen something priced on the software downloader is $5.99, and it was for a game with graphics as good as Oblivion. Even though there is not much money that goes into perfecting Ubuntu since it is 100% free, is that it is in the public domain; this means that if you know how to program, you can turn the system into what ever you want, and if the companyapprovess of it, you can get it published.that'ss how Ubuntu Pair got started, it looks just like the Apple OSX.
If you are a hacker and wanting to use Linux, I have heard that it can be hacked, but the chances of getting into your system are very slim. I have never been hacked, but to hack using Linus systems, well just let me point out that when ever you log into a server at a friends house or school, Linux hides you from the server as if you were never there, it really helps if you hide your IP address before you run Linux because i did that months ago and it says that i logged in Facebook 50 miles from where i am really at haha.
There are really no disadvantages if you know how to use WINE (Windows emulator) And VirtualBox(Multi OS manager/use other operating systems while running Linux) without crashing your computer like i did the other week. Like when i make music, it takes a bit longer since i cant run NI Massive in my system because of the hardware i have that is nocompatiblele :(, but there are so many programs that are 100% free that get the job done. I use Inkscpae vector editor for my graphic design projects...i will never go back to Adobe products. in Inkscape, it has a much finer grid than Adobe. if you like animation, movie making, sounproductionon, programming, website design, hacking, cool graphics, everything that icustomizablele, Linux igreaterte for you.
Everything you can do on a Windows powered computer, and an Apple computer, you can do it 10 time better and quality is magnificent.
To be honest, the only other downsides is that the thGraphicscs on a few programdependingng if you are running Linux as 32 or 64bit, they may look better or plain. im stuck with plain since im 32bit, but its fine, but like i said, only with a few of the programs/apps..another one is learning the gameplay (layout) it is similar to the OSX look and feel (i made my mac at school look like Linux hahaha, i wish i owned that mac so i could put Linux on it.hahaha)
One more thing. If you ever wonder how most computer mechanics fix computers no matter what the problem is, they use Linux to destory the probem and then patch it.
welthat'sts all ive got for now, Good Luck bro!
Gabriel R. Fisher