Netflix uses Microsoft proprietary Silverlight instead of flash or HTML5. So it requires wine in Linux.
I tried the video link posted by "Absence" in 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04, and apparently installing the netflix-desktop package does not initially install everything you need, I must have done something wrong the first time I ran it, and now clicking on the Netflix icon does absolutely nothing, even after purging and reinstalling netflix-desktop. Running netflix-desktop from a terminal does not produce any errors, but does not do anything either (just returns to prompt).
Just in case it is 32-bit, I do have 32-bit libs which work fine with Linux Steam and Steam games (Linux Steam was or maybe still is 32-bit).
Netflix is awful on my Android phone too, poor resolution and wrong aspect ratio. Hulu or YouTube are much better on phone or Linux, although, I think Hulu on a phone is limited to 480p. I believe that some YouTube HD videos are 1080p even on a phone, since they were sharp when using an HDMI adapter on my phone.
So i guess I will need to stick to my BluRay player for streaming Netflix.