A CPU module (http://www.tri-m.com/products/evalue/esm2615.html) with future expansion PCI interface, what does it mean?Does it mean I can use this interface for my proposed wireless 802.11b/g LAN?
Three answers:
2007-01-27 00:05:51 UTC
PCI = Peripheral Component Interconnect. It's one of the standards for connecting peripherals (such as network cards, video cards, etc.) to a PC's motherboard.
See here for an article and pictures; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pci
If you want to use your PC with a wireless LAN, then you will need to purchase a wireless LAN card. The card will likely use the PCI standard. However, PCI by itself does not give you access to a network (wireless or otherwise).
After looking at the spec sheet for the device you link to in your question, it looks like an add-on module for a specific type of system.....It's something you typically don't add to a system unless you already knew what you were needing it for....and it really doesn't go with a PC. It goes with a specific type of carrier board.
If you don't know what PCI is, I'm guessing you don't know what this device is designed for.
2007-01-27 00:11:24 UTC
I've only glanced at this product... is this device something you have a use for? It appears to essentially be a PC *Interface* you can intergrate into certain carrier devices. However, yeah, if you can use this device and they add PCI functionality, you should be able to add a PCI wireless NIC without any problems as long as you can get drivers that will run on whatever OS you can run on the thing. I'd say if anything drivers will be the difficult part.
Edit: I Just saw this has 2 USB ports apparently. If so, ssomething like: