I live in SLO county, California. its pretty hot right now, high 90's -low 100's (degrees). I have DSL wireless for my laptop (pc/windows) and a cable that runs from my router/modem to my computer (macintosh). point being, i have noticed for several seasons in a row that when it hits the summertime or the weather becomes very hot, that my internet connections keeps going out or is very off and on. and when i unplug the modem/router and restart it, the connection only lasts for a few minutes before going out. it has cooled down now and is evening, but still the connection is bad. it annoys me to have to pay monthly for bad service. I was wondering if this connection malfunction is actually from the hot weather or if its just the service provider or what?? my router/modem thing is called "2wire", if that helps any. thanks for the comments/feedback/help!!