2007-04-22 05:01:40 UTC
I've put the CD that came with the package into the main computer and connected my computer to the Hub. Right thats over and done with.
I then inserted the CD into my Laptop becasue I wanted to also connect my Laptop to the Hub.
I followed the steps and it says I can have a wirless conncection.......
I have come to a point where is says
'Scanning for Wireless connection, we're just scanning to locate the BT Home Hub' its also coming up with a picture of wave signals from the computer to the Hub.
The first time it was doing it a message came up saying it couldn't locate the Home Hub...........
I've got the 2 pretty close to eachother but whats the problem.................??
By the way this is the first time I will be connecting my Laptop to the Internet.
Do I need to already have the internet on my Laptop before I connect it to having Internet with the Hub?