On Tpad, what device are you using to register? Make sure your are using your Free 7 digit Tpad (SIP) number as Username / Auth ID and also add STUN settings (stun.tpad.com:5060)
Here are Tpad's SIP / VoIP Settings:
Registrar: sip.tpad.com
Proxy server: sip.tpad.com
Outbound proxy server: sip.tpad.com
Account name/User name/SIP No. = Your Tpad Number e.g. 17XXXXX
Password/ Authentication ID = Your tpad password which you created
SIP port: 5060 (or 8891 or 8791 or 80 if VoIP is blocked in your Area)
Codecs = G.711 (64kbps) G729 (8kbps)
STUN Setting (if audio / connection problems). Leave off. If problems, try with STUN on
Stun Server (if required) = stun.tpad.com:3478
How to Receive Free Calls with Tpad (DID Number to SIP / VoIP Tpad Number):
Free Public DID International Numbers:
How to Make Free / Low Cost Calls with Tpad:
1. Create a Free Tpad Account - https://secure.tpad.com/signup/
2. You will then receive your Tpad VoIP / SIP Details including your very own Internet Telephone Number. e.g. 1700012
3. Enter your account details into any VoIP Device (Softphone / IP Phone / ATA / WiFi Mobile or any Mobile using the Free Nimbuzz or Fring Software)
4. Download Free PC Softphone:
5. Make a Free Test Call - dial in full international format (00+Country Code + Area Code + Number) e.g. 0092800666666
6. Buy Tpad Card / Call Credit without Credit Card, just using cash from CASHU / Reseller / Agent:
How to buy Cashu Credit Video:
Pakistan Special Offer:
Buy Credit using Moneybookers / Paypal / Google checkout / Ukash / Cashu / Credit Card - login to your account and select buy credit
7. You can then dial any landline / mobile in the World. (00+Country Code + Area Code + Number) e.g. 0092800666666
8. Get your friends to join Tpad for Free and then you can ring each others Tpad Telephone Number (SIP) for Free no matter where they are in the World.
Other benefits of Tpad:
VoIP Device Setup Guides:
Use Tpad on your Nokia Mobile Video: