VPN as the name itself explains, it is a virtual private network. In simplest way, it can be explained as, a person sets a network of different servers, like for instance, i am Mr. X and i have a server in Japan, now i bought another server in Australia, and one another server in the USA. Now, all three of them are virtually connected. By using latest technology, to secure the network, Mr. X used a sets of protocol to create a bridge between all three servers (PPTP, L2TP, SSTP, IKEv2, OpenVPN). Now, once the bridge is constructed, for sake of further security, Mr. X use encryption to encode every aspects of their communication. For Example, i have to sent a letter to my GF and i wrote it and put it in the mail box. If anyone took it out, they can easily read it as it is not covered in an envelop. so, Encryption is just like envelop that secure everything you type and only the dedicated device will have the key to open that envelop. Mr X is completed the process of VPN and invite Mr Y to connect to his network. Mr Y accept the invitation and received a specific user ID or password to connect with the Mr X network. Once manually setup the connection, Mr Y will have choice to connect to any of Mr X's 3 servers (Japan, Australia and USA). Let say Mr Y connects with USA. Now, what will happen, Mr Y IP will be changed with one of the USA IPs as he is connected with USA. His trafic is not routed directly, but through the VPN connection, so, while sitting in Japan, he can access Netflix or any USA channel he wants.