2009-07-22 06:44:33 UTC
Last diagnostic run time: 07/22/09 09:23:23 Network Adapter Diagnostic
Network location detection
info Using home Internet connection
Network adapter identification
info Network connection: Name=Local Area Connection, Device=Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC, MediaType=LAN, SubMediaType=LAN
info Network connection: Name=Local Area Connection 2, Device=Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet for hp, MediaType=LAN, SubMediaType=LAN
info Network connection: Name=PlayLinc Connection, Device=PlayLinc Adapter, MediaType=LAN, SubMediaType=LAN
info Network connection: Name=1394 Connection, Device=1394 Net Adapter, MediaType=LAN, SubMediaType=1394
info Network connection: Name=Internet Connection, Device=Internet Connection, MediaType=SHARED ACCESS HOST LAN, SubMediaType=NONE
warn This machine has more than one Ethernet or more than one Wireless adapter
info Redirecting user to support call
HTTP, HTTPS, FTP Diagnostic
HTTP, HTTPS, FTP connectivity
warn FTP (Passive): Error 12007 connecting to ftp.microsoft.com: The server name or address could not be resolved
warn HTTPS: Error 12007 connecting to www.microsoft.com: The server name or address could not be resolved
warn HTTP: Error 12007 connecting to www.microsoft.com: The server name or address could not be resolved
warn FTP (Active): Error 12007 connecting to ftp.microsoft.com: The server name or address could not be resolved
warn HTTPS: Error 12007 connecting to www.passport.net: The server name or address could not be resolved
warn HTTP: Error 12007 connecting to www.hotmail.com: The server name or address could not be resolved
error Could not make an HTTP connection.
error Could not make an HTTPS connection.
error Could not make an FTP connection.