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WWE Championship-Hornswoggle is God.Hell,this guy is like one of the best male user in this section,his questions are fantastic,his answers are splendid,he's funny,hell Hornswoggle is indeed God! lol WHC-Hollywood.Oooooooooosh!!! Damn dude,u love torturing users in their minds!!!! arghhhhhh! lol kk,jokes aside,both are great users,Mr C's like a Hall of Famer here,but so is Hollywood!!! Both are wrestling gifted,both are phenomenal askers & answerers,but at the end of the day,Hollywood edges out Muta cause he's funnier! lol ! ECW World Title-Mr Kennedy's#1 Fan.Dude,for some damn reason,u luv putting me against u everytime!!! & everytime u come out on top! u luv making me lose! arghhhhh! haha u know what our "rivalry" reminds me off?The CM Punk vs John Morrison Feud.I'm like CM Punk,u're John Morrison.U beat me everytime,but i don't give up,& keep on coming back & coming after u until i finally beat u!!! haha but kudos to u,u're a phenomenal asker & answerer for such a young age,& u give the other great users a run of their money!!! keep it up! World Tag-Team Titles-G6260 & Undertaker RIP.Both are controversial,but very good users!!! their knowledge for wrestling is like a damn encyclopedia! WWE Tag-Team Titles-Diva & HBG.Haha dude,i agree with ya! so what if they are girls? LOL! anyway,Diva & HBG are one of THE best female users in this section right here,right now tdy!!! look at their answers! enough said!they're future WWE Divas in the making! LOL! yes Diva,I LUV U TOO!!!haha! anyways,kudos to Dirti Diva & CG too,they're also not too far behind! US Title-Mr Randy.This guy,he's just one hell of a Randy Orton fan,what can i say?haha but seriously,he's damn funny,& a really great user! IC Title-Brandon.Brandon's just damn good! he is one hell of a ECW fan! & his questions & answers are short & sweet,it makes sense,& makes u learn new stuff in wrestling sumtimes,making it REAL extreme!!! Crusierweight-Sting.He's just such a high-flyer!!! haha! Women's Championship-Legend Killer.She's possibly THE best female user right now in this section! she's like the modern day Chyna! (ewwwwwwwwwww) LOL! her answers & questions are just World Class! a 5 Star User! Hardcore Title-wow dude,one day u'll make a great General Manager in either of the 3 brands in WWE.U love making matches that are so mind-torturing! LOL makes sense?lol! i'll pick ItsShowtimeFolks.Reason?he's so old school,& so into Hardcore Wrestling!!! haha dude,honestly speaking,u're the reason why u would become President some day! LOL! Fantstic question as always! Jesus! my hands are burning like Beef manirated with JR's BBQ sauce in the damn Hellfire!