How to chose between linux, networking & cloud to start a firm?
2010-08-08 07:11:23 UTC
I am an electronics and communication engineering student. I will be passing out next year. I like to start a firm of my own rather than working for some company for the whole life. But for experience, I am ready to work in a company which is small but good and also suits my tastes.
I am finding it very difficult to chose the field on which I should go ahead. I have three choices.
1. Linux
i am very much interested in doing some thing related to Linux as i think there will be a gradual shift from windows to Linux among common people. But i feel that Linux being open source, it will be very difficult to earn from it. Is there some field in linux where i could earn?

2. Networking
I like networking a lot. But don't know what sort of a service can i provide? Also i don't like to invest on pure hardware.

3. Cloud Computing
It is said that cloud is one of the most promising technologies of the future. But here also I don't know how to make use of this technology? Most of the existing companies may shift to cloud on their own. Will doing some thing related to networking help me taste the fruits of this promising technology?

Please help me decide on it.
Three answers:
2010-08-08 07:48:55 UTC
Linux is the heart of the Internet, and the power behind the "cloud".

Clusters and cluster computing are dominated by Linux

Linux powers more supercomputers than any other OS

Google lives and breathes Linux 24/7

Linux is behind Android, so it is the basis of the new generation of smart phones

Linux is behind Chrome, which is going to be the OS of the future, if Google has it;'s way.

In other words, before you can figure out what you want to do, you had better get on the horse that will take you there.

Get on Linux
2010-08-08 14:25:17 UTC
1: There are many ways to learn *nix, one is using it. One is getting certified. And one is using it.

2: You reached this page through a *nix sever somewhere, BSD powers and runs most of the major servers in use today.

3; Choose your weapon carefully, cloud is great, and it is so insecure at the same time, yet it is the future. These boxes at every desk is a silly way to use the Internet. It is like some company came in and sold a few million copies of the same software to 100 million users with the goal of upgrading every year or two, that is brilliant marketing it is silly Computing.

Some stuff you really never want on the cloud, like personal letters from your beloved or kitty cat pictures. It all depends on what you really want to share with the world.

Kibbles and bytes of data add up to full meals of information, please share the good and work on the bad.
2010-08-08 14:49:37 UTC
Your OWN business.


Good for you && Good Luck.


Most Linux companies seem to thrive from 'Service Contracts && Tech Support' == Unsure if this says something about Linux or the Techs && Engineers].


Independent Developer Income Guide [Software Development]


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.