Recently my ADSL line has started having problems. While it has some problems during the day, it become almost unusable at night. with due to frequent disconnects/loss of sync. I looked at the line attenuation and noise margins to try and find the source of the problem. The line attenuation are are good at 11-18 on the down stream and 6-7 db on the upstream. However, the noise margin is awful. The upstream SNR (signal to noise ratio... aka noise margin) is fairly steady at 6-7 db. However, the downstream varies widely and very frequently. My modem updates the stats every 5 seconds and the numbers will vary greatly with every update. It may be at 3.7 db at one point and 18 db 5 seconds later.... then 30 seconds later it is at 30.2 db, before it drops back down. What can cause such wild variations? The noise margin will still vary during the day, but the fluctuations are often much more drastic (and often much lower) at night. So could you tell me what things, both inside and outside the house, can affect the SNR so much? I know things outside the house usually fall under the phone company's domain... but I would still like to know, so the phone company can't just try and pin everything on 'inside the house' issues. I have filters on all devices connected to the phone lines... but any other recommendations are welcome.
Thank you, in advance.