DNS converts your requested site into an IP address for you to be able to easy surf the net. instead of memorizing IP addresses when going to websites, all you have to know is their URL.
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol It lets you surf websites.
http vs dns, you can go to a website without a dns through http as long as you know the IP address, however dns without http, page cannot be displayed or request time out. coz you dont know what service you are requesting, which in this case, http
udp is user datagram protocol. tcp is transmission control protocol. they are similar with each other but udp is considered as connection less and best effort delivery coz it doesnt have reliability features as tcp does. but the same reliability features makes tcp segments are heavier than udp.
so what?
tcp is used if you need reliable connection, like going to a website
udp is used for voip and video such as in ym, voice calls and letting someone view your webcam coz its faster
dont worry udp isnt that reliable coz it relies on the application layer for reliability