You're probably connected to a switch running the spanning tree protocol. Spanning tree is used to eliminate loops in switched networks - very very bad things indeed.
Spanning tree causes a switch port to go into 'listening' mode when the port goes active. In this mode, the switch port cannot transmit any data, it must listen to traffic being received to watch for bridge protocol data units, or BPDU's. BPDU's are the packets Spanning tree (STP) sends around the network to find loops. Generally, the port is in this learning state for a time equivalent to 3x the Hello Timer. Most switches default the Hello Timer to 2-5 seconds.
Once the listening period is completed, the port is placed into 'learning mode' for an addition 3x Hello Timer period. In this mode, the switch is populating it's forwarding table with any mac addresses seen on the port so that it knows where to forward traffic.
Only after this learning mode is completed does the port drop into 'forwarding' mode. This is the first point in which the switch may actually transmit any data out of the port.
STP is known to cause problems in which DHCP assignments take awhile, or fail all together. Many switch vendors have a way to disable STP on a port specific basis.
In Cisco's world, this function is called Portfast. Other vendors use some variation of 'spanning-tree disable' in the port config to disable spanning tree.