If you are not able to connect to internet, then it may be that you have the drivers for LAN card is missing. Most computers have the motherboard CD(assuming you have attached NIC card) or the third-party vendor CD from which you can install the network drivers.
First of all check whether it is attached or on-slot LAN card. If it is attached, you may use the motherboard CD to install the drivers(you may not have installed the chipset, video or audio drivers too). Use the chipset installation and most thing are done by it. If not setup each component manually.
For the on-slot, insert your CD and run setup.
Checking the driver
1. Right-click the My computer icon on desktop and select properties.
2. On left side, select Device Manager.
3. Open Network Adapters node and check if the device is shown or not. If the device is there, then you have the driver installed already.
4. If the Network adapter is not shown, run the program from CD.
5. Check the Other Devices node and make sure that the Network Controller is not there. If it is there, update the driver and show the location to the CD when asked.
6. Close the Device Manager and Log off or restart the computer.
Note: Use CD or automated programs whenever possible to save out from the trouble.