(ANS) OK! No.1 DON'T confuse setting up the router itself with adding a network client computer connection to the router, this is a different task entirely.
No.2 Once the router is set-up and working via the Ethernet cable that came with the Netgear router you need to add the wireless client and this is done on the computer NOT the router.
No.3 Please note that to add ANY wireless client to your router you must have the following x2 pieces of information and these are:-
a) a SSID (service set identifier) which is just a fancy name for a network identification label which can be seen by the public facing internet i.e. by external people. It might look like this Neargear00934 or similar.
b) Encryption Key, the encryption key that you created on your router must also be precisely the same as used on your wireless desktop or laptop. Note if the key is not exactly the same you wont be able to join the client computer to your routers network. It MUST BE exactly the same character for character, letter or number for letter or number,etc. Try to use WPA-PSK or better still WPA-PSK2 because its stronger.
No.4 FORGET!!, fiddling with IP address's just make sure the router has its DHCP server (built into the router) enabled, & also make sure your client computer also has "get an IP from a DHCP server" enabled on your connection.
No.5 The router must have a Default Gateway IP address otherwise non of your client computers will be able to find the internet.
No.6 Don't worry to much if this all sounds dreadfully complex because the fact is that it IS highly complex to most ordinary folk. Routers ARE the perhaps as complex as computers themselves and even for highly experienced IT people routers can still be quite tricky to configure accurately, so don't feel bad if your struggling. **You can always contact Netgear for help on configuring the router especially if you only purchased it recently.
**Contact the makers of the wireless network card if its that side of the connection were the problem lies.
Hope my instructions might be helpful?
Kind Regards Ivan
computer veteran, windows user since 1989.