This article describes how to use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. This wizard helps you transfer files and settings from your old computer to your new one. You can transfer settings for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook Express, as well as desktop and display settings, dial-up connections, and other types of settings. As you go through the wizard, you can select the files and settings that you want to transfer.
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Use Files and Settings Transfer Wizard to transfer files
1. Get the files and settings from the old computer:a. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.
b. Click Next, click Old Computer, and then click Next.
c. Select a transfer method, such as Floppy Drive or Other (such as a removable or network drive), and then click Next.
d. Select the appropriate option for the items that you want to transfer:• Settings only
• Files only
• Both files and settings
• Customize
e. Click Next, click OK, and then click Finish.
2. On the New Computer:a. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.
b. Click Next, and then click New Computer.
c. Click to select the I don't need a Wizard Disk. I have already collected my files and settings from my old computer check box.
d. Select Floppy drive or Other, depending on how you stored your files.
e. Select Yes or No to log off of the computer. The new settings do not take effect until you log off.
f. Click Finish.NOTE: The transfer method under Direct Cable only supports serial ports and cable, and not parallel ports and cable.