First you need to make sure that both machines are in the same work group
From the desk top, right click on my computer.
left click on computer name
then under to rename this computer, left click on change
name the computer something easily recognizeable, and use your last name for the work group.
Then click on apply and close out of that.
you'll get a prompt saying changes will take effect when you restart...
Repeat the steps above on the other machine.
use the same name for the work group but a different name for the computer.
Then you need to -
go into the machine with the wireless card, and click on start> settings>network connections, and then RIGHT click on your wireless connection, then slide down to properties, and left click it.
left click on advanced. then check "allow other network users to connect through this computers network connection.
make sure the box below that" allow other network users to to control or disable this network connection is NOT checked...
shut down and reboot both machines, and then try to open internet explorer on both machines... you should be online on both...
If the second machine still doesnt see the internet, then make sure you are using a ---> CROSSOVER <--- ethernet cable and try it again...
a regular ethernet cable will not work in this case. you have to have a crossover cable which has 2 sets of wires flipped inteernally, for the machines to be able to talk to each other....