Yes, it is possible to teach yourself Linux. Many have. So sit back, take a deep breath - things are not as complicated as they seem
All distros use the same Linux kernel. The files may be organized a bit differently, but once you get under the hood, they are basically the same
Different distros have different priorities, so the have different looks and get them by using different window managers that are tweaked in different ways
But Linux is at it's heart a command line based system. The standard command line interface is BASH, and you will find a CLI in every Linux distro. The command line will work rhe same, no matter what distro you are using.
To figure out what to learn, first decide where you are going to use Linux. Are you going to be using it in the back office as a server, or on the desktop?
Let that guide you as what distro to choose and what areas to concentrate in
Red Hat leads the pack in the back office
Ubuntu on the desktop
All use the same networking tools, all are blood brothers under the hood.
Welcome to Linux
Have fun