I have perused the volumes of TCP/IP illustrated. while I don't like the character on the front, the information is very good and informative.
TCP protocols are request-acknowledge. so any network delay with TCP involved will cause a slowdown due to the time it takes the UDP packet to be sent (if it makes it, otherwise, a retransmission required) and then to be sent back from the remote end and hope it makes it, if it doesn't, retransmit. at least I think that's how it goes. might be a little different, but somewhere in there there is retransmission upon failure up to a time limit. it might be possible the request is sent out and if the ack doesn't come back, a retransmit occurs - this is more likely. do some sockets programming, it will open up a whole new world of understanding... I haven't done anything like that in 20 years.
this delay "trip" time is measured in ms to my underdstanding.
year 2010, the book you mentioned is 1998.
ipv6 didn't exist in 1998. was implemented very recently.