Best router for wireless 500 feet network setup?
2006-03-26 11:51:58 UTC
Best router for wireless 500 feet network setup?
Three answers:
2006-03-26 20:52:25 UTC
Mostly I think that you will need the proper antenna. Ask yourself a few questions

1 do I neeed to cover a large area ?

2 do I just need to stretch point to point between two routers/computers

if question 1 is yes, you are going to need professional help

if question 2 is yes all you need is a yaggi (sometimes called a cantenna) antenna. You simply replace antennas and aim them at eachother. Simple
2006-03-26 19:53:46 UTC
Good Luck
2006-03-26 20:15:24 UTC
I use a rangemax but I'm not sure if it's rated for that distance. Check or for their products.

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