2010-01-06 10:16:44 UTC
This is worrying since until last summer, I could dl at 1.5 mb/s, my brother could stream HD (1080p) video and I could watch HD videos on youtube. But then after we came back from the summer vacations, we could no longer do this. Now it takes at least an hour (1 hour!!!!!) to download a movie! And no one can use the line at the same time, not even for email, since the ping will be over 2000 ms (even for google), and sometimes it can't connect to the internet at all. My speed test shows up MAX 3.5 Mb/s down, and .5 Mb/s up, on a 20down/1up Mb/s line. And this is when NO ONE is using the internet connection!
So what I think is happening is that my ISP is cheating on us since we still pay the same amount of money, but they jammed several more clients on the same connection/switch box/whatever so now most of the time no one has a full connection. Plus, they downgraded our connection to 15 mb/s, and when we called them to make sure they fix their error, they told us that we never had a 20 mb/s line (a complete lie, we had it 'till last summer). This, along with advice from someone who knows about this sorta stuff, makes me think that my ISP is cheating on me and by adding more clients they are slowing down everyones lines.