The short answer is that we cannot answer this. It is very dependant upon what you wish to be doing with your system.
The virtual server page on your specific router addresses advanced features like
FTP (file transfer protocol)
HTTP (web server)
HTTPS (secure web server)
Now if you are installing the router in a home envrionment or in almost all environments where you have a dynamic Public IP address, these features are not activated.
Let's assume you are a business, have a static IP address, and wish to provide FTP to a select group of users so the users can download via FTP large files. Further assume you have set up a server at your LAN static IP address of If this is the case you check the FTP address box, enter teh in the private IP address box, define it as TCP in the next line and if you wish to specify when the FTP is to be available (let's say it is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) you enter the available hours.
It is my guess that you are not providing any of these types of service and therefore no boxes should be checked.