How can you set your wireless router settings? PLS HELP!?
2012-11-11 05:54:29 UTC
My brother has no idea what to do with computers and he bought this game that needed router changes in order to play multiplayer on it. He's been asking my mum to help him change them because she's better than him but she didn't want to because she was scared that she would screw up all connection between the three computers in the house. She told him she'd research about it and then do it, and my impatient stupid brother who doesn't even know how to send an email, played around with the settings and what does he do? Screw up the internet. We had no internet and he didn't know how to fix it. Our modem is fine so I just hooked my modem up to my laptop and I have internet but how can you reset the setting on the router to make them work the way they did before my brother screwed everything up ?Thanks
Three answers:
2012-11-11 06:21:38 UTC
You did not post the MAKE && MODEL of the router for specific answers.


You will need to re-set & re-program the router. IF the router is not listed in the source, THEN you will must search the web for info: SEARCH for router MAKE MODEL DEFAULT [Example: linksys cisco wrt54g default]


Re-set the router to DEFAULT settings; Log-In using the Default IP address, Username, and Password.


With an Ethernet cable, connect a PC to the router.


- Reset router: With a straightened paperclip, press RESET button 30 seconds.


Wait 60 secs.---


On the PC: Click [Start] - Click [Run...] - enter: cmd [ENTER]


At the prompt (c:\.....>) enter: ipconfig /all [ENTER]

- Ensure DHCP Enabled == YES


At the prompt (c:\.....>) enter: ipconfig /release [ENTER]


At the prompt (c:\.....>) enter: ipconfig /renew [ENTER]


Open Web Browser: Connect to router IP DEFAULT address using the DEFAULT username and DEFAULT password.
2012-11-11 15:22:52 UTC
Games that require router changes, usually need "port forwarding", where incoming ports get directed to a specific (game) PC.

Help for that can be found here:

if that is what is needed, follow instruction "to the letter", else you will get messed up again.

When changing devices on a modem (PC to router or back), you have to power cycle the modem to re-register the new device, else you have to wait for the modem to time out (can take several minutes), before it talks to the "new" device....
2012-11-11 14:00:34 UTC
turn off or unplug the router and it should reset to the original settings

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