Where did you test your speed?
Internet speeds are measured in bits per second (bps). The results you get from http://speedtest.net is the speed in bps.
Some download sites measure your speed in Bps (B/s) or Bytes per second.
If your download speed is truly 80 Kbps than that is very slow by today's standards, not much faster than 56 Kbps legacy dial up connections
The average broadband speed in the USA is currently around 15.6 Mbps. http://www.fcc.gov/measuring-broadband-america/2013/February
As far as how long it will take to download a particular file,
As I stated, Internet speeds are measured in bits per second (bps). However, in the real world files are not measured in bits, they are measured in Bytes, KiloBytes, MegaBytes, etc.
So, when downloading actual files, your download speeds will be much lower.
There are 8 Bits in a Byte
There are 1024 Bytes in a Kilobyte
There are 1024 Kilobytes in a Megabyte
There are 1024 Megabytes in a Gigabyte
A two hour movie, on average, will range between 1 and 4 Gigabytes depending on the compression level and resolution.
For example if you only have a 80 Kbps Internet connection, it downloads at approximately 10 KB/s.(Kilobytes per second) Server loads and overhead can drive this speed much lower as described below.
The speed and load on the server you are uploading to or downloading from also has to be accounted for. There is much overhead involved. The web server may be located in India. There may be 10,000 people simultaneously trying to access the same web server. Your connection may have to be routed through 15 or 20 hops (different locations) to reach the server, etc.
Online torrents and game download servers such as STEAM are notorious for being extremely slow. They have thousands of users sharing the limited speed. Each user gets a small portion of the total speed.
Lets assume you want to download a 2 Gigabyte movie file with your 80 Kbps connection. For simplicity, I will not account for traffic or overhead. The absolute minimum time would be calculated as follows.
2 Gigabytes is equal to 2,097,152 Kilobytes
Your 80 Kbps connection downloads at a maximum of 10 KB/s
2,097,152 divided by 10 equals 209,715 seconds.
209,715 / 60 = 3495.25 Minutes
That's a whopping 58.25 hours for your download, not even accounting for overhead and traffic which usually will add an extra 10 to 20% to the total.
You definitely need a faster Internet connection.
A rough estimate of actual download or upload speed can be made by dividing your Internet connection speed in bps by 10. For example a 30 Mbps cable Internet connection downloads at approximately 3 MB/s, and could download your 2 GB file in around 10 to 15 minutes.
I wrote an article http://isp1.us/article/internet-speeds/ that explains Internet download speeds in much more detail.
Good Luck.