Windows uses classless routing, like almost everything these days. It doesn't have and doesn't need a "classful" route table.
The first part of an IP address represents the network and the rest represents a machine on that network.
"Classful" routing is from the olden days of networking, when networks came in only 3 sizes: Class C, with (almost) 256 addresses, class B with (almost) 256*256 = 65,536 addresses, and Class A, with over 16 million.
You could tell what class a network was by the first number of the IP address.
This was incredibly wasteful, and extremely inflexible, so they decided to do away with classes based on the initial part of the IP address, and allow networks of any size (as a bonus, they could also be subdivided into sub networks). The netmask in your routing table shows where the network part of an address ends and the host part begins. (there is an alternative way to show this, by adding /24 or /8 or some such to the end of address - this shows how many "bits" are in the network part - and the rest are the host part of the address).
That's why your routing table has addresses and netmasks.
This is called classless routing. "Classful" was coined at this point as a name for the old way of doing things.
In old-style "classful" routing, you didn't need a netmask, because you could tell where the network / host boundary came by the CLASS of the network, which you could tell from the first number in the address.