Yes i know it sounds crazy but its the only option i have. I recently bought a ipod touch and it will be here by wednesday and i would really wanna use the wi-fi features(cant get ADSL cus the exchange RIGHT OUTSIDE MY HOUSE HASNT BEEN UPGRADED!) Anyways i found a D-link wireless ADSL router in my cubourd which i got given ages ago. it has a cable hole called ADSL then 1,2,3,4 all on the back. So while my laptop was connected to the dialup i plugged the blue cable into the hole numbered one then into my network port on back of the comp. On the router the status light keeps flashing, the WLAN light is on and same with the light labelled 1. I then went into the wireless wizard thingy in my comp and voila there is a DLINK connection available, but it says 54.0 Mbps and im on dialup that is impossible... Will this arrangement work for me when i get my touch?