Alright, so, we have a DSL router and a router from sprint that we use to connect to the internet. Both of them work alright, but our internet is just extremely slow right now. And no, I will not pay money to call sprint for their customer service, because that's just ridiculous. I play an online game, and then I log onto it, I disconnect instantly. My computer will not let me sign in to MSN, i tried to troubleshoot and it said there's a problem with Host Keys and something else. My internet is connected, but mind you I am paying for HIGH SPEED INTERNET and this is NOT high speed AT ALL. Sprint has been giving me crappy service with everything lately, whether it's my phone or my internet. I was wondering if anyone had an suggestions as to what I should do? Replace my wireless router maybe? I tried unplugging both of the boxes for a while to let them cool down, but it doesn't work. Also, when I open a web browser, everything loads extremely slow. It took me about 20 minutes just to get onto this page and have it loaded. I feel like I'm using dial-up, >.>