how to log into switch cisco?
2009-04-20 05:57:03 UTC
how i can log into cisco switch ?

i have network and i am installing another one at another location and i want to use the first network to be pass by for the new one at another location does it gonna work if the new one made it as subnetwork and if yes what i need to make a subnetwork.

a server is already exsist for the first network and i will add the new one to this server but i dont want the people who use the first network to be able to get on the new one means who using the first network i dont want them to be able to share or get into the new network
Three answers:
2009-04-20 06:11:48 UTC
I understand your question, but your explaination needs work.

to login you need a console cable and telnet or you can use windows hyperterminal. Set the baud to 9600 and set the COM port to which ever COM port its connected to. Flow control can be turned off. Connect the console to the switch console port and press enter on the hyperterm a couple times. You should get prompt for a username and password.

Good Luck to ya!
2016-12-10 23:37:25 UTC
Log Into Cisco Switch
2016-03-16 14:43:29 UTC
First off, YA isn't the place for something this technical. Most people here can barely turn a computer on. However, from my own experience with Cisco...GET A SERIAL PORT. Seriously. Make use of serial headers on your board if you have them or use an old P3 if you have to and get the proper cable. You have no way of knowing if Telnet is even configured yet, but Hyperterm works consistently as long as you do it right.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.