If you havent got IE8, download it from Select the correct one to suit XP or Vista. Its faster and more presentable than Firefox..
Set up IE/8 so it runs efficiently. (2 minutes)
1. In IE, Click Tools >Internet Options >Advance Tab. Click Restore advance settings defaults button. Then scroll the listings down to near the bottom and select >Tick empty temp files when browser closes (this empties the cache, which if not empty, will stop you from going online and hassles msn)
2. Ensure only one phishing filter program, and only one firewall program is used on the computer. Disable others that may be in other software, or disable the browser phishing filter.
Ie8 - to disable the phishing filter click Tools > scroll down to SmartScreen filter and disable it. (leave it on is preferred) SmartScreen filter will stop malicious code from being installed to your computer, specially through activex, however it may be doubling up with your internet security program so causing your browser to be a little slower. So either disable it in the browser or disable it in your internet security program.
3. Then in IE8 click the blue drop arrow near the search icon (top RHS corner) >manage search providers >make the one you want default >then remove all the others listed. These really slow IE8 so remove them.
4 Click Tools >manage add ons > accelerators and disable all of them.
5 Get rid of any toolbars on the menu line. Place the curser near the top under the address bar and right click. Tick Menu bar, Status Bar, and Command bar. Untick any other listed.
6 Then Click Tools >Delete Browser History, cookies, add ons, the whole lot. Do this regularly.Close the browser to set the settings.
Reboot and then do a windows express updates until no more updates. This seems to help IE8.
After you have used IE8 and happy with it, then you can experiment with the accelerators in manage add ons, and also experiment with the selections on the menu bar (5 above)
IE8 is much faster than firefox, has nice coloured tabs and if you see some text you like swipe it and a blue arrow shows, click it and you can select a function. These functions will change as you add accelerators. eg you may add Wiki or a medical site etc.