what's a network key and how do i find it?
Krystal H
2007-06-03 12:42:01 UTC
i've been trying to use the wireless connection at my house but it tells me that it need a wep or network key how do i find it?
Five answers:
2007-06-03 12:54:04 UTC
A network key is a long string of numbers and letters (really, hexadecimal) that the network uses to verify that only authorized machines can use it.

To find out yours, connect a computer directly to your router with an Ethernet cable and log into the router's admin pages with a browser. Check your router's documentation for details on how to do that. If you don't have the documentation any more, you might be able to download and print it from the router manufacturer's web site.

Somewhere in the router's admin pages is the key. It may also be called a WEP or WPA key or encryption key. Look on pages relating to wireless security.

Note that this all assumes that "the wireless connection at my house" is your network, not someone else's you're trying to leech into. That's stealing.
2007-06-03 12:50:51 UTC
the wi fi key is a key generated so that only people who have the key can log on

In the router in the wireless setup area is a wireless security area.

The wireless security is turned on.

( The most common form is wep 64 bits , then a more secure format called wpa)

You can either make a code to fill the requirements of the format or in that area will be a passphrase code generator.

Select it put in the phrase of your choice. It will generate the code.

When you go to logon the wireless connection the windows wireless utility will ask for the code ( you enter it twice like a password)

If you are having troubles logging on just turn off ( disable ) the wireless security in the router until you are more familiar with wi fi. No shortage of open wireless routers to find.

If you still have trouble and cannot get into your neighbour's wireless network people usually write the wep key somewhere around the computer

common phrases to guess are :

wife name

kids name


dog or pet

car model or make
2016-10-02 14:05:56 UTC
Network Key
2016-03-29 13:30:49 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

WEP stands for Wireless Equvilant Privacy. It used used for wireless networks, ie when a user wants to connect to a wireless network they need the key to gain access. A network key doesn't have to be wireless. It can be set for a LAN connection (ie plugging ethernet cables into omputers and accessing the network). I'm not familiar with Wii but there should be sufficient instructions in the manual to set it up for online access. Good luck!
Chand Basha Shaik
2007-06-07 06:58:24 UTC
You've forgotten your WEP/WPA, is that it?

Just go to the wireless router or wireless access point and go to its configuration settings.Most routers/WAP's are configured through your browser. Look at thewireless security settings and you'll see the encryption key you're using. Write it down and then you can enter the key into your computer's wireless network settings.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.