Reasons for getting DNS Server Not Responding Error
The server which host the website might be temporarily down due to technical reasons
The DNS service in your computer is corrupted or not working
The security firewall or security software itself might have accidentally blocked your PC from communicating with a website or certain websites
How to narrow down the source of DNS server not Responding Error?
If you have another computer or mobile device accessing internet from the same network, then check if they are able to access internet. The other mobile device can be a smart phone or tablet. If the other devices have internet connection, then this is an issue with your computer. If the other devices are not able to access internet, don’t waste any time and contact your ISP. Explain them the scenario and they will help. (Some ISP technicians are quick to blame your computer for this issue)
Try to access internet using safe mode with networking. It is explained below under the section “How to fix DNS Server Not Responding Error because of a corrupted security”. If your computer is able to access internet in safe mode with networking, a security software or conflicting third party software might be responsible for the problem.
If you are getting DNS server error only on couple of websites, then it might be a temporary issue with the server which is hosting that website. You can check it using websites like Just enter the name of the website that you would like to check. This website will ping to your destination website and let you know if it is up or down. In case if it shows that the website you want is up and running properly, but you are not able to see it, then the problem is with your computer. If the website is shown as down or not working, you need to wait until the webmaster of the website get the issue fixed.
Check if the error is a browser problem by browsing websites using different browsers such as IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Opera. This happens rarely, but yet possible. If the error is happening only on a particular browser, then you need to troubleshoot the browser. Following the steps mentioned in IE optimization which fix most issues, no matter which browser you use.
How to fix DNS Server Not Responding Error Normally
Open command prompt window by clicking on Run –> cmd (run with administrator privilege)
netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt This will reset the ip
type netsh winsock reset. This command will create a prompt to restart the computer, don’t restart now. This will help reset winsock settings. Although resetting winsock is not related to this error, this might be helpful in fixing other issues which can lead to this error.
type ipconfig /flushdns This will help in flushing the stored DNS cache.
Restart the computer and check if the issue is fixed.
Try this step if you still have the same problem.
Do a power cycle of modem and computer. Turn off your computer and then turn off the modem and router (if present). Keep it turned off for 5mts and then restart all the devices.
Check if the issue is fixed.
Still if the issue is not fixed, try the steps below.
Open ncpa.cpl from Start tab. This will open network connections
right click local area connection, then click properties
Select Internet protocol version(TCP/IPv4), then click properties
Select internet protocol ,select “use the following DNS server address”
change DNS server address to global DNS value given below
Alternate (You can also use Google’s DNS address preferred and alternate
Check if issue is fixed. Changing the Preferred and Alternate error usually fix most of the cases.
How to fix DNS Server Not Responding Error because of a corrupted security
Security software is another major culprit responsible for DNS Server Not Responding error. Every security software tends to get corrupted over a period of time for reasons ranging from file corruption while updating files, conflicts with other software or indirect changes to security settings as a result of intentional or unintentional changes made on your PC. This might cause the security software to block internet connection.
1) Disable security software especially the firewall settings. Then check if the issue is fixed.
If not follow the next step
2)Check if the internet works fine in safe mode with networking
Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode which allows only the essential operating system files and drivers to load.In safe mode with networking, apart from the basic OS files and drivers, network driver is also loaded which enable internet connection.The logic – If the internet connection works fine in safe mode with networking,then third party services or driver is responsible for the problem by blocking the internet connection. If the issue is still not fixed, then it might be some other problem.
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