The easiest to do is to use a second router. Not the easiest thing to setup unless you follow a few critical issues but still the best solution.
With the 2wire it does allow a second router to be setup. The second router needs to be in the DMZ+ (which they have easy to setup)
Since the 2wire is on 192.168.1.x be sure to set the SECOND router to another network like 192.168.10.x so that it doesn't conflict. Then it will have an IP on the 2Wire and issue IP's on a different network.
Once the new router is setup (should have a STATIC IP set on the 2wire LAN like Put the second routers IP in the DMZ on the 2wire. Thats is all that has to happen.
For 2wire support (and they do discuss a router behind a router) go to
You can also get routers that use a username and log on which gives you some control. A good one for hot spots is the AirEpoch unit.
It has user management built in, can even be connected to a ticket printer if you want to SELL time. Has the ability to isolate all wireless users from the wired lan!