Ok I asked a question to why my broadband connection was getting disconnected, after I went idle, as in away from the computer, and it turns out that I am not alone, so I went through all my settings, and I have since reolsved the problem, so therfore I want to pass on my knowledge to all you Tiscali customers who are having the same problem, I have a Netgear router/modem DG834GT which is Wireless, so anyway if you go in to the drop down menu of internet explorer, tools, then internet options, connections, then click on your connection, then settings, then advanced, then you will se a dailog box called advanced dial up, there you will see a box called disconnect if idle, un check the box, and then you will have a proper always on internet connection, rather then it disconnecting you after 20 mins I mean I have contacted Tiscali about this, and all I got was we don not support your router only the usb modem that we supply you, so that wasn't very helpful,so this will help you all out!